I had a really bad experience today with an ambassador argui...
I had a really bad experience today with an ambassador arguing with me that that guests were not given a host phone number af...
Hello, my account got suspended without any explanation. I have exhausted all efforts the last 48 hours and they just kept saying someone will call but no one has ever reached out. I have 158 reviews, 4.96 overall rating and have always been a Superhost. I am very worried right now as I just quit my full-time job last year to go full-time on Airbnb and now this happens. It's very scary and I have a lot of anxiety right now. It's just been a stressful and sad two days. I don't know what it was that triggered this suspension. I'm slowly losing hope but hoping someone here can help. Thank you.
Hello @John-Terry0
I've just been onto your listings page and it looks like there are still 5 out of the 14 listings still active?
Also read the review dating to January 2025 where a guest says that there were wires that tripped them up, poor communication and other issues. It may be that this person reported these problems to Airbnb and that the safety department is looking into these allegations. If it is in the hands of this department, it seems that the procedure is to suspend the all the listings run by the host during this investigation that can take a minimum of a week, sometimes longer.
I'm only guessing from the little information there is available but how far did this incident go with this guest?
No-one can help here unfortunately and you'll need to contact Customer Service again and again to see if they can shed any light on the reason for your suspension.
Hi @Joelle43,
I had a hunch it might be that one but because Airbnb won't reach out to explain, I can't say for sure.
There are absolutely no electrical issues in the house. It just tripped once during her stay, which is normal when you have a lot of appliances running at the same time. In which case, it just needed a reset on the circuit breaker.
As for heating, we have so many wall heaters and space heaters for every room in the house. She never mentioned the wood at all in the messages, otherwise we would have brought some for her. I have a cleaner close by that's always there for any requests the guests may have.
I have a great feeling that if she is the person behind this, she is definitely doing so because we were not able to let her extend, which was not our fault in any way. We sent her an alteration request and we followed up multiple times but she never accepted the alteration for her extension, so another guest had ended up booking the property.
Why would someone who deemed our property "unsafe" want to extend their stay? That does not make sense at all. The next guest that stayed, stayed for an entire week and did not have any problems.
Thank you for responding. I am still unsure how to go about this. I'll try to gather as much evidence as possible through message screenshots. Is there a specific email I can send it to so that Airbnb support could at least hear me out?
I seen the same thing that January review. She has filed a Safety Issue about your listing. Of course she also mentions her requested extension (in the unsafe listing) resulted in chaos, probably why she is giving you this headache.
Sorry, there is no quick and fast repair when a Guest does this. You are going to have to identify what Safety Issue was raised and your business response concerning what was reported. Try not to take personal, Airbnb doesn't know you, doesn't know the Guest and doesn't know if the Guest tried to book an extension in unsafe conditions.
Hi @Marie8425,
Please see my response to @Joelle43. And yes, it does not make sense to me that she wants to extend if she deemed the property "unsafe" (which of course it was completely safe). She was pissed about that and I have a feeling she may have exaggerated some things if she did report us? For example, the electrical issues she mentioned that were not true at all. The power tripped once during her stay which is a normal occurrence when so many appliances (plus any gadgets they may have plugged in) are plugged in. How do I go about fighting this? Airbnb won't even respond or reach out. Is there an email I can send proof and appeal to?
Thank you for your response.
I believe you. I had a Guest try and damage me. I know it can be ugly like I said though Airbnb doesn't know you or the guest and some guests will extend if unsafe so Airbnb can not rely om that information.
Mine was not quick, sorry I don't have an easy answer.
My suggestion is to stay totally business mode no personal. Stick to specific unsafe complaint not get lost in everything nagged about.
Lack of heat- Answer totally business how the property is heated and what you provide. Nothing about her comments just this is how heat is provided and she received same service.
Electrical issue Sorry but my business advice on this is have an Electrician write an evaluation for you that none exists. Again don't get lost in what she did you are just guessing. You do not have an electrical issue determined by a trained professional.
All you can do is submit your response to Airbnb CS and in my case I just kept resending sticking to my script every 24 hours. They escalated (probably sick of me haha). When escalated I stuck to my script and again just kept resubmitting. Pain in the neck but just suddenly my listings were all fine again no bad marks.
Thanks @Marie8425. Yeah, that's what I plan to do is to just speak professionally everytime I call Airbnb and leave the emotions to the side. I called about 10 times today and aside from most of them saying they will escalate, one of them actually took more time to help and found out the specialty team sent the ticket back to the normal support team and said he did not really see any issues with my account. So now, I'm even more confused because how will I be able to figure out why my account and all my listings are suspended when they couldn't find any issue.
Anyway, once I've compiled all screenshots and proofs, I'll try emailing Airbnb to see if it'll help.
"The power tripped once during her stay which is a normal occurrence when so many appliances (plus any gadgets they may have plugged in) are plugged in. "
No it's not normal. It should not be able to trip if all the appliances are in use at the same time.
If using all the appliances causes the breaker to trip, then some of the appliances need to be moved to other places, or decommissioned. Another way is to strengthen the electrical grid so that it can actually support all the appliances at once, which can be expensive.
I can understand why the guest would think that is a safety issue...because it is.
Hello, just an update, I have been calling Airbnb about 10 times per day and they just keep saying someone from the specialized team will call back. But as usual, no call back, no explanations on why our listings and account is suspended. It has been 5 days.
To add to it, our second account that is solely for co-hosting got completely removed with the following reason:
"We’ve removed you from the Airbnb platform because your account is closely associated with a person who isn’t allowed to use Airbnb. For the safety of our community, we may remove accounts that are closely associated with people who aren’t allowed to use Airbnb."
I'm assuming this is because my main account is already considered removed but is just waiting for the last guest's checkout before the account is completely removed?
This has been a super stressful, anxious and sad 5 days having one of my account removed and my main account looking like it will be removed as well without any explanation or reason from Airbnb.
If anyone has had a similar experience. can help in any way, or can point me to the right direction or person I can talk to, I would really appreciate it. I am running out of hope but trying my best to fight one day at a time. It's just so hard to fight not knowing how to because there is no explanation. I just quit my full-time job and now this happened.
Please, I hope someone can help.