Add Cleaning fees vs No Cleaning fee

Level 3
Charlotte, NC

Add Cleaning fees vs No Cleaning fee

I would love to hear the opinions from seasoned host. 

Add cleaning fees or don't add cleaning fees and just increase the price?


Whats your thoughts & why? 

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

I recently moved closer to my listing & I do all my own cleaning, so I’ve eliminated the cleaning fee.


I’ve also started using the new checkout instructions and ask guests to load the dishwasher and put used towels in washer but don’t run/turn on and take out trash and recycling. I don’t feel bad about asking them to do this since there is no cleaning fee. 

I’ve also added language about what I do for regular cleaning (cleaned and sanitized kitchen, bath, floors, bedding, & towels) what constitutes excess cleaning- dishes that don’t come clean in dishwasher, disgusting toilet/sink/shower, trash & recycling left in the house, bad smells, personal items left behind in closets, drawers, under beds, etc etc. less than 5 star review and possible aircover claim for excess cleaning. 

I must say since doing this I’ve gotten a good response to both the checkout instructions and keeping things tidy dirty their stay.