Add to Apple Wallet option has disappeared!

Level 2
Perth, Australia

Add to Apple Wallet option has disappeared!



I am unable to find the option to add my reservation to my Apple wallet. I saw another post from a week ago in which it was stated there is a bug. Has there been any resolution to this? I do note that my app is fully updated. 



Top Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Pablo1990


I wanted to share an update that the 'add to wallet' functionality has been retired.


Guests receive confirmation emails and push notifications that link directly to their trip details in the Airbnb app. This ensures that their trip details are viewed securely and that they view the most up-to-date trip information in the app.


Hope this information clarifies your question!




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19 Replies 19

button still missing… 2 months … unbelievable 

Level 1
Newmarket, United Kingdom

Still not working. Annoying as I have some travel booked over the next month and like to keep all my tickets and reservations in one place. 

Same here. I’m really surprised they leave this little problem unsolved for more than a month. Disappointing.

Level 1
Mazatlán, Mexico

More than two months with this problem and nothing solved, unbelievable 😵

Level 1
Curitiba, Brazil

Cara, como que removem esse recurso sendo que o recurso de add na carteira é o maior trunfo do marketing. Vocês falam de criar histórias e memórias, para boa parte das pessoas deixar o booking na carteira serve para isso e sobre usar push e email é a pior bobagem. Eu por exemplo odeio notificação push, fica desabilitado para apps terceiros e email no mundo de hoje que tudo é email marketing o email se perde. 



Google Translation added by Community Manager:  
Man, how can they remove this feature when the add to wallet feature is the biggest marketing asset. You talk about creating stories and memories, for most people leaving the booking in their wallet is for that and using push and email is the worst nonsense. For example, I hate push notifications, it is disabled for third-party apps and email in today's world where everything is email marketing, email gets lost.