I am trying to re-list my apartment on Airbnb after San Francisco denied my first application due to a clarical issue. I hosted from 2023-2025 on a temporary STR number. My application was denied in January of this year. I reapplied this past week and have another temporary application number that I have uploaded to my Airbnb profile my apartment.
However, Airbnb has stated that my application needs to be approved before I can accept short term guests. I have reached out to San Francisco city planning and they have stated that my new temporary application number does allow short term guests. After pointing this out to Airbnb, the person I am speaking to still states the city needs to approve the application first. Which could be a long time or never.
I think the problem stems from my initial temp registration number was denied and since I put in a new one, their system isn't computing a new application number and is stuck.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem and have been able to figure out how to get Airbnb to allow short term rentals?