Airbnb Notification on iphone

Level 3
Napier, New Zealand

Airbnb Notification on iphone

Hi All.    While not a biggie I really wish the old brrrriing tone from the airbnb app would come back.  I've tried, but to no avail, to update this, it would instantly alert me to respond to any queries or bookings.   Anyone know how we could get this back?

12 Replies 12


We all want it back too! Not sure when (or if) Airbnb will correct it though. Below a thread discussing a workaround that was created. It's kinda "techy" but I'm using it (it works!) and other Hosts have reported it works. However, it only works if you have turned ON SMS texts in your Notifications in your account. It will not work for push notifications from the App that is currently the lame, barely audible tone.


Let us know if you are able to use the suggested way to create the Airbnb ringtone using Garage Band and if its working for you.


Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joan2709 Given my technical capabilities I think I will wait and hope Airbnb sort it out!

😊 @Mike-And-Jane0  I hope they fix it too! I decided to add as my default text tone for now just in case Airbnb uses a different phone number…now I’m going crazy assigning new tones to other contacts every time they text! 😮

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Joan2709 Exactly - This is what happens when you use technology - It takes over your life!

You and me both @Mike-And-Jane0 😂

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone 🙂

Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback about the app sound notifications.

As always, your insights and suggestions are very important in helping Airbnb enhance your overall experience. The conversation here about the Airbnb App notifications has been very helpful.

The Airbnb product team has recently been looking at new ways of improving engagement with important notifications. I can assure you that your feedback has been passed on and shared with Airbnb's product teams.

Thanks for your help and patience,



Please follow the Community Guidelines

@Sophia Why is the team "looking at new ways of improving engagement" when the old way was just fine? Apparently, feedback doesn't work, because all we want is the old ringtone back. 

And nobody has actually answered the question as to why they messed with it in the first place!!

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kia272 I doubt we will ever know why. I suspect its some sort of copyright issue that would certainly not be admitted by Airbnb!


I never thought of that, but that might be a possibility? 🤔  If so, please make any new tone loud and distinctive so we can hear it!

@Mike-And-Jane0  I dunno.....I feel like if it was a copyright issue, it would have come up before now. That distinctive sound has been in use by AirBnB for many years. 

Hello! It's true that Airbnb's "brrrring" sound is quite special and many people also like it. Maybe try checking in the app's settings or contacting Airbnb support to see if they can help restore the sound. Additionally, you can visit to learn more. Hope you will find a solution!
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Liz-And-Steve0 


There have been numerous posts and even a petition on the subject since the dreaded change to the inaudible new sound even if we have been told that they have ramped up the sound level but I still can't hear it unless I am sitting on my phone.

In fact, for the first time in 4 years, I didn't hear the "plop" sound last week when my guests sent me a message to say they had arrived outside the apartment so I kept them waiting 10 minutes outside in the heat😱  I was beyond apologetic and appalled by myself but the damage was done and this will probably come up in their comment too.


Why oh why won't they bring  back the jingle with so many of us wanting it back??