Airbnb Plus Photo Update

Level 1
Cape Town, ZA

Airbnb Plus Photo Update

Hi Guys,


We have done renovations to our listing and would like to update the photographs. We are unable to charge a higher price for a now premium listing and find this frustrating.


How can we go about updating our Plus listing pictures?

8 Replies 8
Level 2
Austin, TX

I have the same question!

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Same here, we also made renovations and replaced some furniture in our Plus listing. It looks like photos can only be uploaded by airbnb (I suppose to control a certain aesthetic?). 

Level 2
Palo Alto, CA

Same question here. We gut-renovated our bathroom and now our listing is out of date — and of course we'd like to show off the brand new bathroom. It's practically impossible to get Airbnb on the phone or to get an emailed response to this question. Very frustrating...

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


This is no solace, but maybe this article will give you some insight into the reason why you're having difficulties with Plus:

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 2
Cape Town, South Africa

@Debra300 a highly informative article, thank you for sharing it here. Alarming how many requests for updated photography went ignored and how inflexible Airbnb Is in not allowing excellent private photos  to be used instead. I will be un-Plussing my listing today.

Level 2
New York, NY

My original reply to this was censored and deleted.


A recent guest actually docked me a star because my listing photos don't match my listing. The Resolution Center Team doesn't care and won't help me.


I have tried in earnest to deal with this situation since April and have gotten nowhere. Included here are screenshots showing how the team originally told me I could upload my own photos to just now when they've said this case is closed and their decision is final. I am beyond frustrated with the entire process.1.jpg2.jpeg3.jpeg4.jpeg5.jpeg6.jpeg

I am experiencing the same thing. I want to renovate and airbnb ssupport says i have to quit the plus progrmme (that i obviously worked hard for) and then i might get invited again. I dont understand this at all. Anybody that knows how to handle this?

Level 3
Cape Town, South Africa

I too have just renovated my Plus property and have asked Airbnb support the same questions as previous posters.  Needless to say, I have received zero constructive feedback from Airbnb.  Complete silence on the matter.  Has anyone else decided to leave Airbnb Plus and what impact did it have on your rental income?  I have no choice but to leave the programme as my house looks completely different since the renovation.