Airbnb blocked all calendars in Mexico

Level 2
Leon, Mexico

Airbnb blocked all calendars in Mexico

Airbnb blocked all calendars in Mexico! 

I lost 2 hosting opportunities during this time when I need it most because of this.

Its ridiculous because they say that the government asked the to do it but I haven´t found a single official government request to do this. So they are either lying or it was a closed door deal without consulting their partners (us hosts!)

The mexican government is not giving ANY relief to its citizens

And Airbnb risks nothing and just watch us lose what we have

- Airbnb doesn´t risk foreclosure
- Airbnb doesn´t risk getting thrown out for not paying rent
- Airbnb doesn´t risk a higher interest rate for falling behind on mortgage

There are so many ways this could have been done while still supporting us and keeping people safe.

- Block calendars of people that have shared spaces
- Leave the calendars of hosts who have an entire place dedicated to guests open
- Make sure the calendar is blocked 3 days before guest arrives and 3 days after guests leave

I have been a superhost 3 years running and now when I desperately need support, Airbnb just turns a blind eye and says "you´re on your own"

17 Replies 17

Very interesting, @Sarah977 . I would like to know how they stop the movement of people? Civilian or government?

@Sandra126  Civilian. 30 local volunteers at each of the 2 entrances to town with some police or miltary back-up in case things got nasty. Many Mexican towns did this. (I've been meaning to send you some articles for your COVID diary, but sorry, I haven't gotten around to it)

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I'd love that, thank you!