Airbnb paid photography

Airbnb paid photography

Airbnb contacted me and wanted to take photos of my house for their new category search. I love the photos and want to purchase them so I can use them elsewhere but can’t get ahold of anyone. Does anyone have any information about how to go about this? 

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Rawai, Thailand



Did you not get the photographers number? 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

It's irrelevant whether he got the photographer's number @Sudsrung0 


As a lawyer you will know that the copyright for the photography is retained by Airbnb and as such the photographer couldn't share with the host for their commercial use outside of Airbnb. 



I wasn't suggesting that, they said the could not get in touch with anyone

Yes but he and his boss said I would have to purchase from Airbnb. I'm trying to figure out how to accomplish this. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@KandM-Premier-Vacation0 IF Airbnb paid for the photos then the copyright will be with Airbnb. They are not going to allow their use elsewhere or on competitor platforms.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Been there, done that. Airbnb spent a whole day with me taking photos of my listing and me in my home and in my neighbourhood. I was not allowed to see, let alone use any of the photos. It's a long story, but I definitely would not have agreed to it if I had known from the beginning that would be the case, as I got nothing out of it. I was told I would be at least paid my nightly room rate, but that didn't happen either.


Also, they weren't very honest about it. They told me I couldn't use the photos because the copyright belonged to the photographer. When I contacted the photographer asking if I could see and purchase any of the photos, she told me she didn't have copyright. Airbnb had bought that from her. So, they lied.

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

Here's airbnb + photos


FWIW, the OP is not asking to use photos elsewhere 1st

but to PAY for them from Airbnb, then ...


best I could see is this: 



that is general info but top right [use a computer] click button CONTACT US, explain your situation and they will direct you in the right place.


Yes, thank you! You are exactly right. I want to purchase them so I can use them. I am waiting for their response on this. 

Level 6
West Palm Beach, FL



I don't think that you can use the photos in a different platform.

Mike from West Palm