@Karen3368 What taxes are shown on your listing? (Go to Menu, Listing, Pricing and Availability, Pricing, Taxes, Edit button) Also, if the individual guest record shows that AirBnB collected the tax, then you may assume that they have paid the tax to the State on your behalf.
You will not get a record of the payment to the State. You have to take it on faith (which is scary).
If the Massachusetts Occupancy tax is NOT shown under the taxes that AirBnB is collecting and disbursing in your state, then you need to edit your listing. Use the Custom Tax Collection link. From this point forward, those taxes will be included in the disbursement from AirBnB, and you will have to file the tax form and send in the collected tax yourself.
If you (via AirBnB) did not collect all of the required taxes from your guests, you will need to calculate the amount owed and pay the State out of your earnings. If you cannot determine that amount yourself, print out your earnings reports and talk to an accountant.