Are we no longer able to see were the guest is from?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Are we no longer able to see were the guest is from?

Which of course is the number one red flag. I can’t see it during the inquiry phase  and they can see it after they book either. I use a different vetting process for out of town versus in town guests and even though I have instant book, I still triple check with local guests so we can part ways during the 48 hour cancellation period of needed. I don’t want to use the same strong language with out of town guests as they have never been a problem. Is this yet another anti-discrimination measure? I thought the Airbnb was all about preventing parties and putting the burden on us to screen.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If the member has provided that information (not mandatory) on the profile, it still can be seen as "lives in xxxxx". BTW i only looked on the website, can not check the app

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Emiel1 I couldn’t see it on my phone in either spot. I will check on my desktop, thanks

@Inna22  Is it just one that you can't see, or all the requests or inquiries you're getting?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Sarah977 nothing I received today had that information. Although, looking at my old inquiries and reservations, they all have it. Perhaps just a coincidence and none of today’s people indicated that information? Who knows