
Level 1
Phoenix, AZ


1. How do I make my space that have been checked out to be seen available in my profile?

2. I have 3 bedrooms with 2 baths, I want my profile to show that I can be able to rent out 2 bedrooms with 1  private bathroom (also I can do 1:1 bedroom and bathroom) ,  then 1 bedroom with 1 private bathroom, 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Greenville, SC

Make 2 listings - one with the 2/1, and one with the 1/1.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sobi7  You have to create a separate listing for each room you want to rent, as well as listings for any combination of rooms.

For instance, if you have 2 bedrooms to rent out, and wopuld also like to make both bedrooms available to one booking, you would have 3 listings-one for each bedroom and one for the 2 bedroom option. Then you ave to link the calendars so if a guest books both rooms, the single room listings become unavailable for those dates.

On each listing, only show photos of the bedroom/bathroom you are listing, as well as photos of any shared spaces, like kitchen or living room or outside space.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

In my experience with trying to link 3 listings, all of them may not update when a calendar change has occurred.  For example, I created a primary listing for 2 beds/2 baths, another listing for 1 bed/1 beds, and linked the two.  Whenever a booking or calendar change was made for one of the listings, it updated the calendar of the.  I created a third listing for 1 bed/1 bath, and could only link it to the primary listing, 2 beds/2 baths.  When a calendar change occurred on the 1/2 listing, the 2/2 listing's calendar will be updated, but the 1/1 listing's calendar would not get updated.



Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300 Wow, what a mess. I've only ever had one listing, so never had to deal with the faulty algorithms of this. It's funny, when I first decided to list on Airbnb, I was thinking of listing both my bedroom, which is larger and has a queen-size bed, and the smaller guest room, thinking I'd just vacate whichever room was booked and move into the other (I'm a minimalist, it takes about 20 minutes for me to move my personal stuff to the other room- I've done it when I had friends or family stay).

But I had no idea if it was possible to set it up on Airbnb so if one room got booked, the other became unavailable. I asked in a message to Airbnb, and got 2 answers from "community experts"- hosts who basically act as CS. One told me it wasn't possible at all, the other told me that it was, and easy. 

But being a non-techie person, the idea of syncing the calendars seemed daunting to me, so I just listed the guest room.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Linking calendars is quite easy for a non-technologically minded person to do.  If you change your mind, when you are ready to host again you want to have the option of renting either room.

Here are the instructions to link calendars: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/1864/how-do-i-link-airbnb-calendars-for-multiple-listings


I ended up one of the three listings, the 1 bed/2 baths, since I couldn't link all of them together in the manner that I wanted, but this is what linked calendars look like:


Linked listingsLinked listings






Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300  Thanks for that. At this point, unless the virus disappears, though, doing the one or the other room thing would be way too labor-intensive. I'd have to sterilize the room a guest just moved out of so I could move into it, and sterilize the room I just moved out of before new guests moved in there. 

And you know what? Although I could charge more for a couple in the larger room, I've found that I really like hosting solo travelers. They tend to be quite self-sufficient, good communicators, not fussy, adaptable, non-complaining, and appreciative. I've honestly not had one guest in over 3 years who was a pain in the butt.