Bad Guests how to review them

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

Bad Guests how to review them

I am new to Airbnb and have had 4 people stay.  The last person who stayed was a nightmare.  He threw a party and disrupted our neighbours. Even though we have strict no party policy and no extra guests.  The places was in such a mess. There was vomit on the breadspead and beds, the walls marked they urinated in pot plants and broke them too and we have had to throw out the linen. So we are in the middle of the claim process. I want to give him the worst review but if I do he will probably say something unjustified back as that is the type of person he is, so I leave him unrated. But this will not help future hosts.  He has 2 ratings on there which were good reviews but nothing since 2019.  Is there way around this ?

23 Replies 23
Level 10
Penngrove, CA

Please give an honest review with no anger or other emotions behind it. Be professional. Other hosts need to be warned by a review that mentions how parties are not allowed and it is too bad this guest chose not to follow the rules. Something like that 

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

Hi Basha - I took your advice and left a review.  I took the emotion out of it, but stated exactly what he did so I am hoping he will not write a review but if he does I will appeal.

Level 10
Charleston, SC

@Kellie145  How awful! Airbnb should ban guest like this! Trowing parties and urinating in pots and pans? WTF! 

You can wait until the last 14 day to leave a review. Also guest who have a party aren't allowed to leave a review so make sure to document how many people and get that straight with customer service with your communication. 

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

Thank John Airbnb are now aware of this, I hope they ban him 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



The Airbnb review process is blind, so the guest will not be able to see your review until after they have written theirs, or until 14 days have passed, after which time it will be too late for them to review you. In order not to prompt the guest to review, do as @John5097 suggests and wait until the 14 days is almost over and then leave the review. Or, if the guest has already left one for you, there's no need to wait.


The guest can leave a response to your review, but that will appear on his profile, not yours, so I wouldn't worry about that. You will also have the chance to respond to his review, if he leaves one, and this part is more important as it will appear on your profile.


Please do leave an honest review and ratings. If all hosts did this, perhaps you would have been saved from this experience.



Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

I have now left a review and if he reviews back then I can have it pulled down as he had a party which is illegal here in Australia, so if he does I will dispute it.  My message was clear and direct

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Please do look at CCTV @Kellie145  as this enables you to monitor your STR business and would have helped you shut down the party before it got into full swing.


Also how are you currently vetting guests to ensure a good fit.


sorry to hear of these awful guests @Kellie145 

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

thanks Helen - we are now installing cameras and noise alarms to stop this.

I spoke to the guy prior and he agreed - he seemed ok and was saying he agrees etc.  We have instant book here and have now changed this 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

There is only one way to review these people, Be honest and tell it has it is, You as a host would like to know if the guest was a clown,

I'm sure like most host have it in the house rules "No Parties" we also know guest dont read it.

Use this image and put it in your Photo's section, it works,272292381_5138910389495139_7972212192963314607_n.jpg

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

I have now changed this listing and will charge them - I like the sign and may adopt it 🙂



Yep you can use it

@Sudsrung0 Guests know they're not allowed to throw parties. This kind of group deliberately targets listings that appear to have inexperienced, off-site hosts with no apparent means to monitor the property. Unfortunately, @Kellie145,  you tick off every single one of those boxes.


Airbnb is party central, and your beautiful home is definitely going to get targeted again. It's not enough just to post rules -  you need to have the means to enforce them. Of course the dodgy guests are in the wrong for what they did, but it's still the host's responsibility to actively prevent it and maintain control over the property. 

Level 2
Mount Martha, Australia

Hey Andrew,


You are so correct.  We have now installing cameras and noise alarms.  I so agree, we are a target and we have had some fabulous guests.  Is there anything else you can suggest apart from security cameras noise monitoring devices ?  I am open to all suggestions as this is horrible and never want this to happen again. 

Thanks Kellie

@Kellie145  the thing that's even better than monitoring devices is a local host or Co-host who is physically nearby, able to check IDs on arrival and keep an eye on the house if any suspicions arise.