Beefing up the description...WHERE?

Beefing up the description...WHERE?

We are working on setting up our first listing. SUPER EXCITED, but also a bit confused.  When we click on "Show more" in the description area of active listings, a large area for descriptions pops up (including areas like "About this space" and "Guest Access" and "Other things to note"....


We do not have any areas in our set-up that will allow us to note these items.  Worst yet, we are limited to 500 characters for the description. 


Is there something we are missing?  We have set it up as a "Vacation Home" when originally setting it up.  Not sure if this is the issue...?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Greenville, SC

Are you on a mobile device or a desktop? On the desktop site, I have “The Space”, “Guest Access”, “Other things to note” etc. under Listing Details/Listing Basics/Listing Description. You have to select “Edit” once you get there to see all the sections. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Jonathan1675,

Just a heads up that I have moved your topic to the "New to Hosting" board. This way, your topic will get more visibility and hopefully more new Hosts can benefit from the replies 🙂


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