CIR and CIN Requirements in Italy

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

CIR and CIN Requirements in Italy

Hello! I’m trying to apply for a CIN for my listing to stay active in Sicily as per new regulations. 

In order to apply for a CIN, you need to get a CIR first. To get a CIR, the Regione Sicilia asks you to fill in an application form which asks : 

di impegnarsi ad effettuare l'effettiva, completa e sistematica comunicazione al Dipartimento regionale del Turismo, dello Sport e dello Spettacolo dei dati indicati nel Decreto Assessoriale del 25 luglio 2014, in GURS

n. 32 del 08 agosto 2014 - pag. 79) secondo i tempi e le modalità prescritte nel medesimo, tramite l'applicative Turist@t, ( indicando giornalmente e comunque entro e non oltre le 24 ore, dal verificarsi dell'evento, i clienti arrivati e/o partiti e le camere occupate, e/o a comunicare sempre giornalmente e comunque entro e non oltre le 24 ore dal verificarsi dell'evento l'assenza di clienti”


this sounds like the host must communicate to the tourism department of the region whether or not you are hosting someone EVERY DAY. Meaning that even if I go without hosting for 6 months I still need to tell them via the website every day that no guest is present that day. This does not seem reasonable — am I interpreting the requirement incorrectly?

Please can someone who has already hosted in Italy/Sicily and has experience with the above scenario advise whether my understanding is correct? I’ve tried calling the relevant authorities multiple times with no success



4 Replies 4
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Costanza91 😊

Thank you for asking this question here!


Did you know there's an Italian community on Airbnb? I would recommend asking your question there as well 👉 Partecipa al forum ufficiale degli host di Airbnb. 


I am mentioning some hosts from Italy, if they know how to help you: @Angela1056@Andrea6232@Roberto2387 and @Vincenzo89.

Thank you in advance everyone!


Warm regards🌻,


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center
Top Contributor
Linarolo, Italy

Yes, @Costanza91 , your understanding is correct. There were also several Sicilian hosts asking about this requirement in Sicily (quite different from other regional regulations in Italy) on the Italian CC but I’m not informed about the outcome. Maybe you should ask again on the Italian CC. 


@Elisa thank you for tagging me. 
FYI, @Vincenzo89 is no longer a host in Italy.

Hi @Angela1056 😊

Grazie mille for helping this host and letting me know about Vincenzo.


I truly appreciate it!


Warm regards🌻,


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

grazie ad entrambi! proverò a scrivere sulla italian community


thanks to both of you! I will try to write on the Italian community

Google translation added by OCM