Calendar Sync before publishing

Level 2
Stockland, United Kingdom

Calendar Sync before publishing



I have my own website and am taking bookings through that and I'm now joining airbnb. Is it possible to sync my calendar before publishing my airbnb listing? I followed the instructions 

  1. Go to your dashboard > Listings and select a listing
  2. Go to Pricing and availability > Calendar sync

However, on my dashboard it just says 'add listing' even though my listing has been completed and verified but just not published.


I'm wary of getting a double booking in the time it takes me to work out syncing the calendars and would rather not have that pressure - however unlikely some people might feel it would be!



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I listing which is not published can not be synced.

But if you turn off "Instant Book", nobody can make a booking without at least your confimation needed.