Calendar blocking: Blocking certain days permanently

Calendar blocking: Blocking certain days permanently

Does anyone think that AirBnB should finally redesign the calendar options to allow hosts more ease with bookings by permanently blocking off days in the calendar? For instance: just Mondays or Monday - Thursday.


I don’t want people booking during the week anymore. I don’t want to deal with people coming in after a certain time when I have to work and even if there is a curfew set, they don’t follow. I’m done with people taking loud at night. 

I need the option of blocking out the days I want permanently across the board for 12-24 months, then the calendar should prompt you every now and then if you want that to change.

That’s all there is to it.  

2 Replies 2


You can prevent guests from booking on specific days of the week across your calendar. There are multiple ways to do this:


Easiest Way

Go to Calendar


More Availability Settings

Restrict Check-in Check-out Days




More Complicated & Alot More Work

Turn on Pro Tools and create a Rule Set to restrict check-in & check-out dates and apply individually to dates you want on your calendar (this will override any default settings you have on your regular calendar.)


The system does not "prompt" you to make any changes to your settings. That is up to the Host.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Lisa--Nancy-and-John0  😊
Thank you for asking this question here!

How is the situation now?
Our Host @Joan2709 shared great advice with you. Did it help you?

Warm regards 🌻


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