Can anyone else no longer attach images from an album on android?

Level 1
Brighton, United Kingdom

Can anyone else no longer attach images from an album on android?



When sending check in info a few days before a guest arrives, I have always sent 3 images that show the parking space location and info.

I keep these images in an Album in my gallery and have done this since 2017.


Recently on my android phone when I click on the image button in the inbox it takes me to my camera reel but there's no way to access the album. Hope that makes sense. I can still do it on the iPhone app. Just not working on android. Am I missing something. I've gone through all permissions and settings and can't see anything I can do. 

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hello @Sonia1440 ,


I understand this can be a bit frustrating. Are you still facing the same issue? If yes, please connect with me in DM. Do let me know in the DM more about your phone device and model. Once I get that information, I will nudge the concerned team regarding this issue.



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I'm having similar issue. When I they to upload new pictures on Airbnb, I can't see the albuns on my android phone. Can I also have some help on this issue?