Can you please provide some feedback or suggestions for my listing?

Can you please provide some feedback or suggestions for my listing?

Hello everyone,


Thank you for taking your time to read my question.

I have listed my property a while ago and even though I have tried to improve and optimise it, I still don't get many bookings. May you please give me some feedback and suggestions?

Here is my property:


Thank you in advance!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Buckeye, AZ


Your place is  lovely.  I would suggest  reading  youur  reviews   you don't  highlight what  your  market  could  be.

I read spacious,  comfy,  home like,  great with  my kids  sorry to  me that isn't  the impression from your pictures and since guests sounded pleasantly surprised.


Guidebooks would definitely be a plus..  All your  guests mention   food stores,   markets   and coffee  shops.  If  I  am  vacationing with two  pre teens lol  not  having   to drive  for a soda is a  big plus.

Dear @Marie8425


Thank you very much for your feedback, I will take your advice to describe more about the place. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

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