They both did a simulation and searched all homes in SF and ...
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They both did a simulation and searched all homes in SF and could not locate it only when I gave them the address they were a...
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We can confirm what Trinette and Chris are saying about this search change/bug is true.
We also live in the Sebastopol, CA area... and our listing has always appeared in that general search near the top. Now it does not appear *at all* in that same search (despite our having a perfect 100% 5-star guest rating, like Trinette, with 100% rave reviews). We too have noticed a big drop in our bookings in the last few months (presumably since this change was made).
Looking at the map that accompanies a search under “Sebastopol”, it’s immediately clear that they are now strictly limiting the results to the actual town limits (they are probably using some geofencing service). This appears to be the case not just for our area. Why do some towns / cities use a wider mapping area to show listings for general search and why do some towns use a very small mapping area excluding so many of the listings nearby for an area?
If we do a general search for “Sebastopol, CA” we do not appear at all in the search results. This is very troubling because Airbnb *must* be aware that people looking to stay in prized vacation areas like Wind Country often look first for *places* that appeal to them, rather than necessarily dates. This is not a hotel/business community, it is one where people go to celebrate special occasions with special people (and of course to taste wine). In our part of the County, it is vacation and tourism.
If we do a “three night date search” for specific dates for “Sebastopol, CA”, we are the very first listing in the search.
Why does the search omit us for a general search or using a filter search, but shows our listing only when searching for specific dates? It seems to be taking a wider search result on the map if dates are used and a very narrow search result on the map if a general search is done without dates. This does not make sense.
This change makes no sense -- business or otherwise. It is really affecting our bookings (and our ability to be successful hosts). It's not good for guests either: they are being deprived of the opportunity to choose from some of the most desirable properties that are actually available, like ours and Trinette and Chris's.
I hope that Airbnb will take this issue seriously and correct this as soon as possible, it is really impacting our income and ability to be successful hosts in our area in a negative way.
Having the same issue and we are located in Angwin, CA Napa area as well.
It is frustating as airbnb doesnt provide any guidance or explanation on what is happening.
Will fill up the info on the like you are sharing. Thanks
Trinette—-Chris, thank you bringing this to my attention. My listing is located near you in Forestville and I am wondering why bookings are down ( I took it off the market for September) but nothing for October. I am going to see if this is what happened to me as well. October in Wine Country with no fires this year should have been busy!
Did you ever figure out the answer to this?
If I search for specific dates- my property comes up first.
If I search for "flexible" dates, my property does not come up at all even though there are dates in that time period where the property is open for booking.
Hi there. Unfortunately the answer I got from Airbnb said it is supposed to be this way, (even though it makes no sense). You can read my detailed explanation after speaking to them about this issue above. Please fill out the feedback form if you want it to go back to the way it was.
Hello. I have been pushing this same rock uphill for 2 months! My listing does not appear on the map unless a guest searches specific dates. After many very frustrating calls to customer service, where they tried to tell me over and over I am wrong with my computer open to the map clearly showing I’m am not on the map, I gave up! No action, no “bugs” fixed, no calls back, no ABNB promises fulfilled.
Similar problem in my area (Priest Lake, Idaho). Slightly different. My listing is completely hidden in no-date searches. I happen to have a sum total of four nights to rent (we only rent in August). When I alter my calendar to tack on two additional nights to the original 4 that are available then magically my listing DOES appear in no-date searches. Unfortunately, I cannot actually tack on those two additional nights as they are not actually available. When I return the calendar to the original 4 night availability, the listing suddenly becomes hidden in no-date searches again. Countless outreaches to Airbnb with nonsensical responses about algorithms, but no resolution. It hurts me a lot in my particular area because there are extremely limited lake-side places available, and people typically search without dates. Can't understand why Airbnb would pass up the opportunity (my listing DOES appear in no-date searches on Vrbo).
Unlist your listing for an hour or two, then relist it. I've had success with this technique, which was suggested by Airbnb support 3-4 years ago. My listings randomly stop showing in any/all searches about once a year. Unlisting, then relisting after a few hours has done the trick in the past. Hopefully it will now too! Because, I've just discovered the problem has reoccurred. Buggy system. Outsmarting the bugs!