
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Change of Payout method.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Change of Payout method.

This post is directed at Australian Airbnb hosts, it may also effect other countries but, I want to hear the experiences of other Australian hosts.

Back on the 9th March I received this email.........

Action required, account update Airbnb.png

I have established that this email is genuine and a change to payment processing is imminent for Australian hosts. My query is, how have others found this payout transition. My experience tells me every time Airbnb make alterations we as hosts have to go through considerable pain in order to work with these changes. Nothing ever seems to run smoothly.


If you have resubmitted your existing payout method, or added another payout method.......

1/........Has this had any impact on your payouts?

2/.......Have your payouts been delayed or withheld?

3/.......Have you required the help of CS to actually make the transition work?


The last time this happened in 2018 all Australian hosts had a devil of a time. No Australian hosts got paid for 3 weeks between the 3rd November and the 20th and we were kept totally in the dark about what was going on.


I would appreciate it if those who have already done this update can relate their experience during the transition.



6 Replies 6
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Robin4 ,


I came across your post and I was wondering if you could share with us how the payout transition has influenced your hosting experience.






Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Paula, thanks for your reply. I have not as yet updated my payout method although I will probably attempt it later today. 

I received the email to update back in early March and I have been reluctant to make any changes because my existing payout method has operated faultlessly for the past 4 years, and it is my experience every time Airbnb tries to re-invent the wheel, it invariably falls off the wagon from the hosts point of view. 

But I have until May 15th to put in place a new payout method and I was hoping this post would net me a bit of reaction from other Australian hosts who may have already made the transition. But alas, it hasn't achieved a response so, it looks like I will have to go it alone and hope for the best.


Lovely DM from you Paula and I will respond later today when new guests have settled in! 

As you can see, we are in the midst of Autumn here at the moment!



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Robin4 ,


It will be great if you keep us updated in a few days or weeks about your experience. Your input would be greatly appreciated by our Australian Community.


By the way, @Robin4 , your garden is beautiful! I personally love the colours and landscapes during autumn, but I have to admit that this first spring in British Columbia has been absolutely stunning. I actually took a picture yesterday to capture its beauty. Isn't it beautiful?



Thank you for the warm welcome message! I am diligently working to respond to all of them as soon as I can.






Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 10
East Fremantle, Australia

Hi @Robin4 

I just saw your post. I am in Perth and I updated my payment details about a month ago and so far so good. I was nervous about it like you are. Just re-entered everything as it was before. I have received several payouts since with no problem. Hope it's the same for you!


Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Thanks for that Patti and Marty, I have resisted the temptation to alter anything up until now. With us receiving around 15 payouts per month it soon mounts up to a sizable sum if there is a problem, and I have been waiting until I am not expecting a payout for a week or so to get it sorted out.


I have done the same now, I have resubmitted my current method, as we are off away for 5 days with friends in another week, fingers crossed the changeover works smoothly. 


Just slightly puzzling why we have to go through this, we have had changes in payout provider in the past which hasn't required us to resubmit our payout details. 

As with other alterations that Airbnb do, it would be nice and courteous to be given just a bit of information!


Hope all is good with you over in Perth.



Level 3
Palmerston North, New Zealand

Hi @Robin4 Kathy J here from New Zealand. No did not get that email at all. Good news is once via the host community  we worked out there were so many of us and were messaging and calling Superhost support the fob off of messages  from host support

stopped and suddenly over a few hours we all suddenly started getting the payments I was behind 5 payments. The system was clearly broken as the transaction history said payment had been made but there were no emails advising remittance had been activated. So real computer glitch, lots of new staff or worse some sort of hacking as many of the banks here keep experiencing causing denial of service for Airbnb that they dare not acknowledge or pay the !@#$$%* the ransom to go away. Thanks for taking notice and being supportive now I want to know what it takes to move thru the levels. Take care Kathy