How do I register and change the settings here to show regis...
How do I register and change the settings here to show registration for perth Western australia
As most of you out there, all of my bookings got cancelled. I don’t blame guests who have to cancel because they have no way of fulfilling their trips. However, Airbnb kept changing the goal posts on a daily basis re what we should be refunding and I feel almost bullied into refunding trips in the future months when we’re not certain what will actually be happening. No help to hosts, being a super-host counts for nothing, is being offered. None whatsoever! Yet it’s us who are taking the brunt! Guests get refunded! Airbnb makes so much money anyway. And lately Airbnb introduced some super flexible cancellation policy filter to entice guests to book. Now how does this benefit us? It benefits Airbnb & only Airbnb because they get their hands on the guests money to help their cash flow. And when guests cancel it’s the hosts who get screwed! Anyone agrees?
A guest just tried to cancel and she was told to ask me, the host, to cancel or she would not receive a full refund. What's going on? What should I advise her to do?
When is your guest due to check in?
-for eligible accommodations reservations, we'll pay hosts 25% of what they would' ve received for a normal cancellation.
if I get 50% for a normal cancellation, 25% of it should be than 12.5%, isn't it?
Actually Thomas in most cases it would be below 10%. In your stated example it would be 12.5% only if you don't have a cleaning fee in your fee structure (cleaning fees being fully refundable regardless of cancellation policy).
Hmm I knew it sounded too good to be true. I started counting the money I would've made with those reservations that have been canceled. But reading this thread, I doubt I'll see even 10% of that, seems we'll be thrown crumbs if anything at all.
Did anyone notice that if you have more than 2 listings you don’t get the grant? I have 2 rooms in my home, a room outside and a trailer on my property. ALL at 1 address. They are not all rented all the time. I have over seven hundred reviews in a bit over three years. I am a Super Host... I won’t qualify, what????
Airbnb has to invite you to apply. This really sucks! 😕
I feel so cheated by Airbnb. I am (or was) a SuperHost but my status was removed by a cancellation initiated by the guest in which I agreed refunding the 100% of the money, and so the 'penalty free' was no such, I was removed my so hard earned SuperHost status and also they blocked the cancelled day to prevent it from be booked again, all as a result of agreeing to the cancellation!
So sad... I wonder what would be the reason to not correct their mistake immediately. What is next? I feel so sad and seriously considering leaving Airbnb for good now. 😞
Yeah Airbnb have really messed up here. Frankly stupid policies, inept application of said policies, making it challenging for hosts to dispute pretty much anything.
I have had disputes with guests where I had all the evidence of the guests being unreasonable (guest couldn't even understand the difference between June and July!) but I still had to go through a long winded process to clear my name, whereas the guests got no penalties, even after I proved them 100% wrong.
And now there's this highly selective help to hosts, not for a moment considering what is actually fair, and instead giving with one hand and taking with another.
I too am strongly considering moving away from Airbnb.
Hosts would have to leave in droves for it to make a nmaD bit of difference, which for the moment does not seem to be the case.
I can't understand why more host don't take the private long term letting approach more money in the round and considerably less work.
I'm seeing a lot of frustration, disappointment and anger. I'd like to point out the positives. We would not have the opportunity for a new revenue stream without the Airbnb platform. We have all benefited here because of this new way to open up our homes to make money or build a collection of home rentals for profit. There is always risk. We are essential small business owners and entrepreneurs impacted by a highly unprecedented situation. Yes, this sucks. March was a massive time for me to make money from SXSW events. But I look at the fact we are ALL hit from this pandemic. In Austin, a small boutique hotel decided to put on a auction of unique experiences for people to bid on and the revenue from this auction went to pay the employees. This is ingenuity and making lemonade out of lemons. From where I sit, Airbnb doesn't have to do anything for us. We have made our own decisions in being a part of this program. I wish everyone the best and safety during this challenging time.
Nice to hear that you’re so grateful but you’re missing the point of this thread. We’re all intelligent enough to understand and accept that we’ve been hit by an unprecedented situation. Gratitude is a 2 way street. Airbnb need good & loyal hosts to exist too. What we’re debating here is the shambolic way that Airbnb is dealing with the situation & the fact that hosts have been on the receiving end of all the losses.
@Laurence-and-Jean-Michel0 Nell'ultimo messaggio che Airbnb ha inviato a tutti gli Host, leggo un ulteriore beffa per tutti noi. Ho subito cancellazioni per l'intero mese di Marzo, Aprile, Maggio, Giugno e alcune a Luglio tutte dovute a Covid19 ma nessuna cancellazione era suscettibile di penalità in quanto la mia politica è molto flessibile. Quindi nonostante io abbia subito tutte queste cancellazioni a causa di Covid19, non riceverò nemmeno un centesimo da Airbnb. Questa è una vera ingiustizia visto che siamo partner. Le perdite si dividono.
Are cancellations only allowed if booked before March 15th, or did they change that, too?
All my booking were cancelled too and money refunded to guests.
Is there any update on the help AIRBNB would offer to Superhosts, grants and remuneration of 25% of cancellations? What I received by email today was an email from B&B to apply for loans. I am not in a position to get into debt, I don't know if you but I could not .... if much for promised grants
airbnb doesnt care