Critique my Listing -Bella in Vejbystrand Sweden Sweden

Level 2
Skane, Sweden

Critique my Listing -Bella in Vejbystrand Sweden Sweden

Hello fellow host!

I would be greatful for some feedback on my listing.


Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 13.17.22.png


How I can reach more potential guests. This year has been very slow for me as a host.


Thank you in advance

Sincerely Bella 

Top Answer

Hello @Isabel4431 

Firstly the property looks beautiful in a great location.


I would try 

- lowering the minimum night stay ( 4 nights might not be what most travelers have in mind)

- the listing description has some typos and grammar mistakes - a quick update could do the trick

- while photos of the surrounding area are nice I would focus more on my property and keep the suggestions in a Guidebook ( super easy to create one on AirBnb)

- I would also keep the little P.S note about cleanliness in the house rules upon arrival rather than the description of the property

- maybe a little investment in a fee staged photos and a refresh of them images could be worthwhile 


- your lowest score seems to be cleanliness which is incredibly important for guests

- do you welcome animals, if so I would highlight here. Looks like the perfect spot for a fluffy friend 


I hope things get much better, it truly looks like a lovely property

View Top Answer in original post

19 Replies 19
Level 1
Melbourne, Australia

Hi @Isabel4431 

as an interior designer I think you should improve the styling and the presentation of the villa to be more eye catching 


regards Namo 

Level 2
Athens, GA

@Isabel4431 Your property seems beautiful. Your lowest rating is in cleanliness so I would start with that. Your reviews are also good, but I'm not sure why you have 4 star reviews from people who seem to have no issues with their stay. I haven't looked at your prices but maybe try lowering your nightly rate a little to see if that helps. Lastly, I used chatgpt to write my description and I highly recommend you try that. I noticed some grammar errors. Otherwise, it's a beautiful home and I hope things improve!

Level 2
Vatopedi, Greece

Αγαπητή Isabel το σπιτί σου φαίνεται υπέροχο! Αυτό που έκανα εγώ [δεν ξέρω αν είναι σωστο ή λάθος αλλά με βοήθησε] στην αρχή είχα χαμηλές τιμές ώστε να αποκτήσω κριτικές και να γινω superhost ! Μετά όλα έρχονται από μόνα τους! Ακόμα βοήθεια πολύ η προσωπική επαφή!Να είσαι εκεί στο καλοσώρισμα ώστε να αισθάνεσαι την οικειότητα!Μην άγχων και όλα θα φτιαχτούν




Dear @Isabel4431 your house looks great! What I did [I don't know if it's right or wrong but it helped me] in the beginning I had low prices to get reviews and become a superhost! Then everything comes by itself! Personal contact still helps a lot! Be there at the reception to feel the intimacy! Don't stress and everything will be alright

Level 1
El Paso, TX

Hi @Isabel4431 


I feel the same as Taisha. Something may be lacking in cleanliness since this is dropping your star rating down. 
I would suggest simultaneously upping your cleaning game, while dropping your point. Try enabling Smart Pricing if you don’t use it already.


Your property is very beautiful. Hopefully this is helpful.


Level 2
Martignano, Italy

@Isabel4431 Your house is very beautiful but in my opinion the photos need to be improved. Better fewer photos, but more clarity on the layout of the rooms and halls.


Regarding prices, you could encourage bookings with some discounts.

Hello @Isabel4431 

Firstly the property looks beautiful in a great location.


I would try 

- lowering the minimum night stay ( 4 nights might not be what most travelers have in mind)

- the listing description has some typos and grammar mistakes - a quick update could do the trick

- while photos of the surrounding area are nice I would focus more on my property and keep the suggestions in a Guidebook ( super easy to create one on AirBnb)

- I would also keep the little P.S note about cleanliness in the house rules upon arrival rather than the description of the property

- maybe a little investment in a fee staged photos and a refresh of them images could be worthwhile 


- your lowest score seems to be cleanliness which is incredibly important for guests

- do you welcome animals, if so I would highlight here. Looks like the perfect spot for a fluffy friend 


I hope things get much better, it truly looks like a lovely property

Level 2
Hounslow, United Kingdom

@Isabel4431 It's a massive property and extremely beautiful indeed. Some of the things that you can improve on are, 

- You've put too many pics of the overall property and surrounding.  Opt for 'less is more' or use a photo tour option to make it easy for guests to grasp your place and offerings. Too many pics can overwhelm customers than impress. 

- Make sure there is enough brightness in each pics giving a sense of openness and freshness. 

- Adjust rates depending on the demand for properties of your style considering potential visitors and their motivation to visit. 

- Describe what kind of experience guests can expect by staying in your listing in fever words - stating the benefits of staying by mentioning its proximity to some of the places guests are likely to be interested in visiting. Hope this helps. All the very best. 

Nice place!

Level 1
Portland, OR

@Isabel4431 I would try lowing your minimum stay to 2 nights and lowering your prices until you have more reviews. Also it looks like you have a bunch of 4 star reviews, you should try to get only 5 stars. I do this by being super friendly on messages and replying right away. I try to go above and beyond in my responses. 

Level 2
Hoenderloo, Netherlands

Hallo @Isabel4431 , het lijkt me een prima locatie voor vakantie. Alleen als je gaat kijken zijn er 42 foto's waarbij je verblijf kris kras door die foto's heen staan qua volgorde. Ik denk dat je de foto's van je appartement duidelijk als eerst in de volgorde moet plaatsen. Daarnaast veel foto's maar wat stelt het voor. Ik zou het aantal verminderen en kort omschrijven wat de attracties zijn... en waarom je een verblijf bij jou niet moet willen overslaan. Ook bij mij zijn het veelal weekenden met gasten... en vanzelf komen daar langere verblijven bij als de gasten positieve recensies geven. ps.... ik zou gasten niet dwingend maar evt vriendelijk vragen of ze een recensie schijven. Dat je hen recenseert direct na een bezoek aan jou helpt ze herinneren om dat ook voor jou te doen. En mochten er verbeteringen zijn voor schoonmaak etc... neem het ter harte. ps de buitenomgeving laat een strak gazon zien en daarna een plek met hoog gras...  wat is de uitstraling die je zoekt? Strak en georganiseerd of meer outdoor? succes en groeten van Rian Bast




Hello @Isabel4431  , it seems to me a great location for a holiday. Only when you look there are 42 photos where your accommodation is criss-crossed through those photos in terms of order. I think you should clearly place the photos of your apartment first in the order. In addition, many photos but what does it mean. I would reduce the number and briefly describe what the attractions are... and why you should not want to skip a stay with you. With me too, it is often weekends with guests... and naturally longer stays will be added if the guests give positive reviews. ps.... I would not forcefully but perhaps kindly ask guests to write a review. That you review them immediately after a visit to you helps them remember to do that for you too. And if there are improvements for cleaning etc.... take it to heart. ps the outside environment shows a neat lawn and then a spot with tall grass... what is the look you are looking for? Neat and organized or more outdoorsy? good luck and greetings from Rian Bast


[Google translation added by OCM]

Hi @Isabel4431

I have to agree with the minimum night restriction.

i own a large house that sleeps 13 and mostly host to families or groups coming from at least 2 different households. As you sleep 8 this is likely the same for you?!


we have mainly all weekends booked out mostly 2 nights with the odd 3 nights. I think if we had a 4 night minimum we wouldn’t have many at all.


i don’t know your area but your prices seem more than reasonable and the cleaning fee very cheap for the side of the property (my cleaning fee is more than x3 of yours) 


I would reduce your minimum nights to x2 (possibly make your weekend prices a bit higher than in the week) 

make your cleaning fee higher and make sure you have a great team that make things spotless. I factor into my cleaning fee a welcome box too filled with goodies that always goes down well with my guests (so far I have only 5 star reviews- although this is my first year)

Keeping things pristine clean is way easier if there are less objects (though I can’t say your house looks cluttered) if you have any ornaments or decorations that are not particularly necessary get rid and keep it easy to keep on top of 


all the best - I think the 2 night thing will give you the results your looking for as I would definitely stay at your lovely house 


Thank you so much for you feedback and advice @Rachel2961 ! I will think about your suggestion to change from 4 nights to 2 nights.


Best regards Isabel

No problem @Isabel4431  I hope it helps! It would be great to know how you’re doing in a few months with the date tweaks. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Isabel4431 👋
Wow, we've received many fantastic suggestions from our Hosts 👏. We're eager to know about your plans. Which changes you're considering implementing?
Looking forward to hearing from you 😍



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