Critique my listing - Beautrice in Penang, Malaysia

Critique my listing - Beautrice in Penang, Malaysia

Hi Airbnb Community,


I have been starting to host since this April 2023.

I do received a couple of booking but still the occupancy rate for a month could be just 10% or less than that.

This is my Airbnb link -


Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 1.50.33 PM.png

Kindly review and let me know if I can improve anything on my listing.

Also my guest wouldn't leave any review after I ask them to. 

Love to know how to increase the bookings and reviews?





2 Replies 2
Level 1
San Francisco, CA

@Beautrice0 Hello- just had a look at your listing, firstly, congratulations- it's a beautiful place! I would add one thing- you should add some painitngs, it will really fill up the place and give it an even warmer/cozier look and could add a lot of value overall. Hope that helps!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello, @Beautrice0! I made some slight changes to your post to see if we can gather more suggestions from our wonderful members. I hope you don't mind.


@Aneesha8, I completely agree with you. This place is truly beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your opinion on Beautrice's listing.



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