Critique my listing - Erik from Denmark

Critique my listing - Erik from Denmark

Hi everyone,


I’m concerned that my listing isn’t getting any views at all, and I’d really appreciate your feedback to help me improve it. Here’s the link:



If you have a moment, please let me know if there’s anything about the photos, description, or other details that might be affecting visibility or appeal.


(Also, this might be a technical issue with Airbnb, so if you could confirm whether you can see my listing, it would be helpful for the support case I’ve opened with Airbnb.)


Thank you so much for your help!




6 Replies 6
Level 10
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Erik2135 ,


Nice cabin! I tried to search in June on Haderslev and, indeed, I did not find your listing. What I notice is that your calendar is occupied until April: all reservations?



Thanks Andrea.

No, closed for bookings until end of april.

What if you search Haderslev with no dates?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Erik2135, I am tagging @Andrea6232  here so they receive a notification of your message. This way, we increase the chances of them getting back to us.
Quick tip: To tag someone, tap "@" and select the host's username from the dropdown menu 😊



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

@Erik2135 , that could be a problem, the Airbnb algorithm does not like closed dates 😉


So this is what we in Denmark call a summerhouse. And by law we are not allowed ta have rentet the house out more than 20 days or so from october til April. But Would the algoritm be more happy if I instead of a block put a much higher price?

Best regards


Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Erik2135 

I can see your listing on Page 2 for Haderslav, 4 guests. However, I have to put in available dates in May to see your listing. If you just search for flexible dates, Airbnb mostly chooses listings that have dates available in the near future. You will not be very visible for quite a while for most guests, except the ones that are already looking for specific summer dates. You can test the ranking by searching in private mode while not logged in.

The blocked dates are the main issue at the moment. Other things that will help you rank higher if you feel it's necessary, is to relax the cancellation policy and (unfortunately, of course) to lower the price.