
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Critique my listing - Raghav in Udaipur, India

Level 2
Udaipur, India

Critique my listing - Raghav in Udaipur, India



Hey there, fellow hosts! 👋


I'm Raghav, and I'm brand new to the hosting world. I just listed my space last month, and I'm so excited to start welcoming guests!


While I haven't had any bookings yet, I'm eager to make sure my listing is top-notch. I'd love to hear from experienced hosts and superhosts about what I can improve or any tips you might have.


Your feedback would be incredibly helpful as I embark on this hosting journey! 🙏




Thanks in advance for your support!

15 Replies 15
Level 2
Kolkata, India

Hello Raghav


Excellent photos is most essential for Airbnb listing to attract guests. Photos should be in natural lights and each bedroom should be a separate listing for better payout. Pricing is next followed by amenities and house rules. 

Your listing has okay photos. Pls have separate listings for all bedrooms to get better payout 


Pls feel free to ask questions on hosting and I shall assist 


Thank you 


Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Madhumita2@Lorena849@Made-Bali0@Lucie702 and @Lucas1071, thank you so much for these great suggestions and ideas. 
I am tagging @Raghav40 here so they receive a notification of your message. This way, we increase the chances of them getting back to us.
Quick tip: To tag someone, tap "@" and select the host's username from the dropdown menu 😊



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Hello @Madhumita2 


Thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions! I appreciate you taking the time to review my listing.


I understand the importance of high-quality photos, and I'll definitely work on capturing some new ones in natural light to showcase my homestay in the best possible way.


Regarding the separate listings for each bedroom, I'm a bit confused. Currently, I'm offering the entire 3 BHK home as a single listing, not individual rooms. However, I do have one room with a private entrance that I could potentially list separately if that would be more beneficial.


Could you clarify if creating separate listings for all three bedrooms would be advantageous even though I'm primarily renting out the entire home?


I'm also open to any other suggestions you might have on pricing, amenities, or house rules.


I'm committed to providing the best possible experience for my guests and am always eager to learn from experienced hosts like yourself.


Thank you again for your help!


Warm regards, Raghav

Hi Raghav, Welcome!


May suggestion is that the photos are brighter, open the curtains and let the natural light in, show the best angles of your home, what it has most beautiful and comfortable. 


Another option is to take beautiful photos of the tourist attractions near the house.

I believe that doing a good job in a basic way is the key to excellent results.


I wish you good luck and that you and your guests have incredible experiences.



Hi @Lucas1071 


Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the fantastic advice! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your insights.


I'll definitely prioritize taking new photos with plenty of natural light and showcasing the best angles of my homestay. I love your suggestion about highlighting the nearby tourist attractions as well - that's a great way to showcase the location's appeal.


I'm fully on board with your philosophy of focusing on the basics to achieve excellent results.


I'm excited to implement your suggestions and create an even more inviting listing for my guests.


Thank you again for your support and well wishes.


Warm regards,


Level 1
Terrebonne, Canada

Bonjour et bienvenue Raghav,


Voici mes commentaires:

Je ne mettrais pas une photo de chaque item de la salle de bain mais plutôt une photo d'ensemble

Dans la cuisine ne pas mettre de photo avec la vaisselle qui sèche dans le rack. 

Il y a une photo qui montre que 4 couverts es ce qu'il y en a plus?

Plus de luminosité dans les chambres.

Je suis certaine qu'avec des petits ajustements votre propriété sera mis en valeur.

Bonne chance

Lucie g


Bonjour @Lucie702 


Thank you so much for taking the time to review my listing and provide such valuable feedback. I really appreciate your insights.


I completely agree with your suggestions regarding the photos. I'll definitely retake the bathroom photos to show a more overall view and avoid any cluttered shots of the kitchen.


Regarding the place settings, yes, we have more than 4! I'll make sure to capture a photo that better reflects the full dining capacity.


And you're absolutely right about the lighting in the bedrooms. I'll make sure to take new photos during the day with plenty of natural light to showcase the rooms' true potential.


I'm confident that with these adjustments, my property will look even more inviting to guests. Thank you again for your help and encouragement!


Warm regards,


Level 1
Bali, Indonesia

I would suggest you retake your photos and pay attention to decor details maybe buy some flowers. Make sure Curtains are either fully closed or fully open and balanced on the same side so if if you have two, Curtains, they’re both the same clothes the toilet seat cover all these details are very important. Take away any clutter.

Hi there! @Made-Bali0 


I really appreciate the specific and actionable advice. I definitely see how those little details can make a big difference in the overall impression of the space.


I'll make sure to open the curtains fully, pay attention to the toilet seat cover, and declutter the space before taking new photos. And adding some fresh flowers sounds like a wonderful idea to add a touch of vibrancy.


I'll keep you updated on the new photos and any further improvements I make.


Thank you again for your time and expertise!


Warm regards,


Hello Raghav! I agree with others opinions regarding the photos, having nice, “aesthetic” photos of your place will improve your rate, but always making sure they match with reality. Two other concrete tips: leave a nice welcome printed letter with house rules and tips you want to share (I also leave a basket of fruit, for free), and the second tip is if you can offer cleaning and cooking service, do it; some people come to your place when wanting to rest, or in vacation, so this is a plus luxury (that you may charge in your price as your convenience).

Hello @Lorena849 


Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the fantastic advice! I appreciate you taking the time to share your insights.


I'm definitely prioritizing retaking my photos with better lighting and composition to showcase my homestay in the best possible way.


I love the suggestions about leaving a welcome letter and offering cleaning and cooking services. Those thoughtful touches can significantly enhance the guest experience. I'll definitely prepare a welcome letter with house rules and local tips. I also like the idea of a fruit basket – it's a simple but welcoming gesture.


Regarding cleaning and cooking services, I'll explore options to offer them as additional services for guests who desire that extra level of comfort and convenience.


Thank you again for your support and well wishes. I'm looking forward to hosting many wonderful guests and creating incredible experiences for them!


Warm regards,


Level 2
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Olá @Raghav40 
Parabéns por seu espaço! É possível perceber que você cuida muito bem dele. 
Minha sugestão, além de concordar com a sugestão dos outros hosts, é que futuramente você padronize lençóis de uma única cor. Visualmente fica muito agradável e contribui muito para a estética das fotos. 


Desejo sorte!




Hi Raghav40, 
Congratulations on your space! You can see that you take great care of it. 
My suggestion, in addition to agreeing with the suggestions of the other hosts, is that in the future you standardize sheets in a single color. It looks very visually pleasing and contributes a lot to the aesthetics of the photos. 


I wish you luck!


[Google translation added by OCM]

Hi Livia,


Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the kind words about my space!


I'm definitely taking note of your recommendation about standardizing the sheets. It's a great idea to create a more visually pleasing and cohesive look in the photos, and I'll keep that in mind as I continue to refine the space.


I'm also grateful for the encouragement and well wishes.


Thanks again for your support!


Warm regards,




Votre annonce ne mentionne pas l'emplacement ainsi que l à proximité aux sites d'intérêt. La photo peut être de profil mettant en évidence les chiens peut signaler la sécurité des lieux qui est très importante en Inde mais ne doit pas prévaloir sur l'emplacement/le confort des lieux ou la front vie qu'offrent votre résidence. La qualité des photos doit être toujours très attractive. En espérant que que ces premières impressions vous aideront. Bien cordialement



Google Translation added by Community Manager:  

Good morning


Your ad does not mention the location as well as nearby sites of interest. The photo can be in profile highlighting the dogs can signal the security of the premises which is very important in India but should not take precedence over the location/comfort of the premises or the lifestyle offered by your residence. The quality of the photos must always be very attractive. Hope these first impressions help you. Kind regards