Critique my listing - Sam in Kentucky

Level 10
Whitesburg, KY

Critique my listing - Sam in Kentucky

A guest checked out of our BnB in December, and I was kind of glad no one checked in through the holidays. Then in January I had to close for two weeks while repairs were completed after pipes in an exterior wall froze and burst when the. Temperature dipped below zero. I was afraid someone would send an inquiry before we could get repairs completed, but no one did. That's when I realized we hadn't had so much as an inquiry since our last payout in mid-December.  In fact, we didn't get another inquiry until February 15, two months nearly to the day after the last guest left.

What is going on? Is anyone else having this problem? We've only been open a little more than a year, but we've never gone more than a few days without a guest, and we have 23 5-star and 2 4-star reviews.

Could someone look at my listing and see if there's something terribly wrong with it? Https:// 

Thanks in advance.





The Historic Mountain View
2 Replies 2
Level 2
Vancouver, WA

this has also been the case for me I  just got a couple bookings in the last two weeks!? I have no idea what’s going on my son is turning them away!:(

Community Manager
Community Manager
Galashiels, United Kingdom

Hi @Sammy-L-0 


I just wanted to let you know that I've clarified your post title and moved it to another board to get some more attention!


Your listing looks lovely, and hopefully some of our wonderful hosts will be along soon to give you some tips.





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