Critique our first Listing and give us tips to maximize occupancy in the beginning

Critique our first Listing and give us tips to maximize occupancy in the beginning

This is our new listing:

We put a lot of time and energy into building it. Any recommendations on things to improve or do to maximize occupancy rates?

1 Reply 1
Level 5
Fort Worth, TX

@Fil-and-Ellie0 you guys did a great job with the decor. Your A-Frame looks like a cozy place to stay and looks like it should get booked a lot. I could recommend giving it a name. Please like places with a name. I was wondering if the pictures where taken by a professional or a with your phone. If you did not get a professional to take pictures, I highly recommend it. I would also recommend putting descriptions under each picture. Have fun describing the picture. When you describe the items in the picture, talk about the name of the coffee machine, the types of linens on the bed, etc. I could also recommend adding in the amenities to the listing. The more information you can share about the experience people will have at your property the better. 


I hope this helps and good luck.