Does Airbnb allow security cameras inside the garage?

Level 1
Seattle, WA

Does Airbnb allow security cameras inside the garage?

We have locked storage lockers inside of our garage that our cleaners use for stocking supplies/etc. Is it against Airbnb's policy to have a security camera located inside of the garage pointed at the inside of our garage door + storage lockers?

This is to ensure our cleaners are not walking away with any of our supplies.

**The one caveat is the fact that our washer and dryer is located in the garage as well. 


Curious is anyone knows an answer on this because technically one could argue the garage doesn't count as inside of the house. 

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Princess64 Apparently a garage DOES count as an indoor space so you cannot have a camera in it. Do many guests use the washer/dryer? If not then just remove it from the amenity list and lock the garage.