Experience technical issues

Level 3
Wellsville, NY

Experience technical issues

On 29January2024 while updating the calendar for our experience 3474250 a message appeared requesting an update of documents. As our experience requires a third  party non-refundable liability insurance policy renewed annually, we promptly uploaded the policy documents. A request for a National Park permit appeared. We are not located in or near a National Park. A box indicated a request for an exception to the National Park permit. We clicked on the box and filled out the form, checked the box indicating the exception was predicated on our experience not occurring in a National Park. Evident ID reviewed our documents and request for an exception and verified our insurance policy was sufficient and we did not require a National Park permit because we are not operating in a National Park or Forest. Airbnb then sent a new request for documents. We complied, and then it happened again and again and again. 35 days and now our experience is suspended for failing to provide the documents we are not required to provide because we are not in a National Park. We have spoken to support ambassadors daily in the past five weeks. We have been lied to  repeatedly both verbally and in writing. We have proof that Airbnb has deceived us. We have proof of two other incidence of deliberate deception in record keeping on dangerous experiences which violates their own terms of service and their acceptance of the liability insurance terms of contract. These are actual crimes in New York State where we are located. We want immediate action and support on a known technical problem. We will go public with all of our concerns, documents and communications. Our business reputation is being impugned with the egregious failures of Airbnb Support Ambassadors. 

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