@Kathleen644 Welcome to the family! It sure is a big day when you first list and your first guest arrives. Entirely your choice about using a rental manager or managing the listing yourself. Depends on costs and your required profit margins. Our nearest "competition" in our location uses a rental manager, and the "cleaning cost" is astronomical (2 times the cost of 1 night's accom) presumably to cover the agent's letting fee. Rental managers don't work 24/7 either - many guests will contact you out of hours so that is also something to take into consideration.
As for house insurance, while Airbnb does have a security deposit figure, claiming on this can be difficult. You would need to consult an external insurance provider and discuss with them. Depends a little on your local laws etc.
Just a heads up, when your first guest books, let them know they are your first guests and ask them to msg you privately about how they found the place, was there anything more that they thought was needed, and any problems they found, emphasizing that the feedback will be really helpful to you and future guests.