Featured Amenity

Level 2
Robe, Australia

Featured Amenity

Hi All,


Just under the listing images and 'Hosted by' there is a space for a featured amenity that is unique to your property or not like other listings in the area.


For example: 'Park for free', 'Furry friends welcome', 'This is one of the few places in the area with a pool.'


We have a Sauna (unlike any other listings in the area) and this is not showing as a unique amenity - instead 'Park for Free' is shown.


Any suggestions on how to change this?


Thank-you in advance

Top Answer

Hi @Jordan986 

I believe this is auto-generated by Airbnb in accordance with what amenities are most popular in your area. I don't believe you can change this as a Host, but you could contact then and ask?


In the mean time, I would add "Sauna" to your title to highlight your unique amenity. 

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2 Replies 2

Hi @Jordan986 

I believe this is auto-generated by Airbnb in accordance with what amenities are most popular in your area. I don't believe you can change this as a Host, but you could contact then and ask?


In the mean time, I would add "Sauna" to your title to highlight your unique amenity. 

Thank you so much Joan. Great idea