Fee for service Co-Host?

Level 2
Coral Springs, FL

Fee for service Co-Host?

Hello All,

I am a host in the Dallas area.  I am looking for someone that can help with the management of a few tasks with my airBNB: changing batteries, changing filters, checking inventory.  We don't need a co-host for the guest experience, and we don't carry the margins to provide 20%-30% of the revenue for a full-time co-host.  Does anyone know if there is a fee for service type of co-host option?

Thank you!


4 Replies 4
Level 5
Fort Worth, TX

@Jamie876 Where in Dallas is your AirBnB? I live in Fort Worth and might be able to help.


There is not a "pay for service" system for Co Hosts on Airbnb. Co hosts can be paid a percentage of each booking, or a fixed dollar amount per booking on Airbnb. Of course you can always make a payment arrangement outside of Airbnb if you wish.


What Payouts Hosts Can Share With Co Hosts



  • Cleaning fee: you'll share the amount you set as your cleaning fee in your listing details
  • Cleaning fee plus percentage: you'll share the amount you set as your cleaning fee in your listing details and add a percentage per booking (that excludes the cleaning fee)
  • Percentage payouts: add the percentage you'd like to share per booking and then choose to exclude or include the cleaning fee amount in the percent calculation
  • Fixed amount payouts: add the amount you'd like to share per booking

Payouts may be set up for co-hosts with any permissions. Some regional limitations may apply based on the host’s or co-host’s location that limit the ability to use this feature.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

That sounds more like you need a maintenance person than a cohost @Jaime876 . You could also ask your cleaner if they could do this for an extra fee? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Jaime876 😊

Thank you for asking this in the community!


You received a lot of great advice from our hosts. What do you think about it?


I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Warm regards 🌻



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