Hihow do I split the host service fee on my listing using a ...
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Hihow do I split the host service fee on my listing using a mobile phone?
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Listing link: Home in San Benito · ★5.0 · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 bath
I have had a few renters and have gotten 5 star reviews but it's not enough. What else can I do? I've looked into places like evolve and etc.
[Content modified by OCM]
Hi @Frances4982
Whatever you do....don't use Evolve! (or any large property mgmt company). Just type "Evolve" in the search the community box and you'll see what I mean. They will insist on being names as primary host and you will loose all the reviews you worked hard to get if you have to terminate your agreement for non-performance.
Extra Guest Fee
Your $50 extra guest fee is a bit high and I would definitely remove that from the listing, especially in slow season. It's a barrier to booking for many guests.
Marketing & Optimizing Your Listing
You can use social media to help advertise your listing (Instagram, facebook, etc.) Do you have a local neighborhood app like Next Door? Is there an online media page for the RV park you are in? You can also ask another experienced Host or Co Host to optimize your listing for you. Airbnb has a Co-Host platform and there are independent consultants that do that as well for a reasonable fee. You could also consider some other RV sites to list, but I don't know much about those...you'll have to do your own research on that.
The summer season is over now and Texas has a slow period until the snowbirds start traveling in the winter. Expect it to be slow until probably Jan/Feb. The next busy season is usually spring break in March in the Texas market. You might see some guests wanting to head to South Padre Island for spring break. I would highlight that in the listing.
Custom Promotions
You can start using custom promotions, but be sure you read up on them and understand that whatever discount you offer on the custom promotion can be stacked on top of other discounts (weekly, early bird, last minute, etc.):
Create Custom Promotions
In my opinion, something has to have a place that is different from everyone else to interest me. What's special about it, maybe it's an artistic moment, a tree cut into a chair, or a special plant.
You can create a special atmosphere in the interior by bringing forward something interesting.
Hey @Frances4982 ,
I would definitely add pictures of all the things that make your place desirable. I added your list below. Pictures of people playing these games and of these facilities will let people envision themselves staying there. Right now... looking at the pics... I only envision myself sitting in the chair outside or the chairs inside. You want people to already have a good idea of what they would do there and remove all doubt of what to expect.
This gated community let's you feel safe and secure. You have full access to all the activities. Aquacise in the mornings,volleyball in the afternoons. You can also enjoy beanbag baseball,corn hole, table tennis,billards.pickleball and many more activities.
I agree that extra people fees is probably going to turn people away pretty quick especially since almost everyone is going to travel as a pair. And will likely search for a place before adding the other guest and immediately be turned off by the price doubling.
I didn't check the prices in your local market, but an RV should definitely be discounted as opposed to a house. There is always a trade off between price and occupancy. Consider leaving it lower than you want and see if you don't make more money if you can attract more people and have higher occupancies.
Good luck!
Hi @Frances4982 , what makes it unique and what is the " feeling" ...I'm not getting a feeling from the photos..i get its features etc, so what are the benefits of staying....and just to say, I thing its wonderful and you are doing a good job Frances, just a few tweaks and you'll be super busy...
Ciao Frances,
all'inizio è dura perché non conosci le dinamiche, non conosci il mercato, hai paura che la tua offerta non sia gradita, etc. Vorresti bruciare le tappe, conoscere ogni segreto...vorresti avere tante recensioni a 5 stelle. Penso che tutto questo sia normale!
In fondo questo è il motore per fare meglio, è la spinta per crescere ed avere successo.
Sento di darti i consigli che ho seguito io stesso:
- non ti scoraggiare!
- affidati ad occhi chiusi ad Airbnb, leggi le guide e impara dalle esperienze raccontate dagli host senior e metti in pratica;
- guarda gli annunci di successo nei tuoi dintorni e imitali;
- differenzia i prezzi per bassa, media e alta stagione,
- inizialmente tieni un profilo basso, cioè non mettere prezzi alti, immagina che quello che non guadagni sia un investimento in marketing, in questo modo forse guadagnerai poco ma avrai ottenuto più recensioni;
- Fai qualche promozione, ma impara bene come funzionano gli sconti;
- per ogni dubbio contatta il Centro Assistenza Airbnb, troverai persone competenti e molto disponibili;
- stabilite le tariffe, fai delle simulazioni;
- cerca di migliorare il più possibile foto e descrizione del tuo alloggio, deve essere chiaro cosa offri, quali sono i punti di forza della tua offerta;
- si paziente e affronta con passione e ottimismo ogni esperienza.
In bocca al lupo!!
Auguri di successo
Hi Frances,
At the beginning it's hard because you don't know the dynamics, you don't know the market, you're afraid that your offer won't be appreciated, etc. You would like to skip the stages, know every secret...you would like to have lots of 5-star reviews. I think all this is normal!
Ultimately, this is the engine to do better, it is the push to grow and succeed.
I feel like giving you the advice I followed myself:
- don't be discouraged!
- trust Airbnb with your eyes closed, read the guides and learn from the experiences told by senior hosts and put them into practice;
- look at successful ads in your area and imitate them;
- differentiates prices for low, medium and high season,
- initially keep a low profile, that is, do not set high prices, imagine that what you do not earn is an investment in marketing, in this way perhaps you will earn little but you will have obtained more reviews;
- Run some promotions, but learn how discounts work;
- for any doubts contact the Airbnb Help Center, you will find competent and very helpful people;
- set the rates, do some simulations;
- try to improve the photos and description of your accommodation as much as possible, it must be clear what you offer, what the strong points of your offer are;
- is patient and faces every experience with passion and optimism.
Good luck!!
Best wishes for success
[Google translation added by OCM]
Hi Franny,
You have a very nice, spacious and well equipped place.
A few suggestions, *You may want to remove the charge for additional guest(s);
*Adjust your price based on demand/season;
*You may want to polish your sentences about your place, add a few catchy words about your place that really captures a readers attention;
*Add pics of outdoor amenities offered;
*Ask guests to respond in a private note with suggestions on what you could have done differently to make their getaway even better.
Good luck from Georgia.
Hello Frances,
In my opinion, the pictures need updating. I would only include pictures of rooms rather than things. Guests will be able to see what's available to them in an overall photo of an entire room.
Hi @Frances4982, thank you for posting in our community.
There are some excellent suggestions from our hosts here. Let us know when you’ve had a chance to read them.
We’d love to hear if you’re planning to implement any of their ideas! 😊
@Frances4982 just do some offer maybe put new photos , change name like "lovely motorhome...
use warm colors inside 🍀💚 ( hugs from Tenerife 🌅 )
Francis, I would definitely remove the charge for extra guests. I think that can be quite offputting. I would refine the pictures. People aren’t necessarily wanting to look at what’s in the place. They just want to see the rooms and what they’re getting and just make sure you’re always providing plenty of information about the local area area and all the wonderful things that they’re going to get when they’re booking your property. I do hope this helps.
Hello Frances
I'm new to hosting and still trying to attract more reservations myself and realized that I need to invest a little bit more in the furniture and aesthetics before getting a professional photo shoot. Guests will have to scroll past dozens of listings before that one photo of a special listing attracts their attention. Prices, location and amenities are obviously equally important, but my impression is that first impressions are crucial to making your listing stand out.
You've asked for feedback so here it is. I did note that your trailer is not available so I couldn't determine your asking price, but here's what I can tell from your post:
Your grammar is so atrocious; it is extremely off-putting. You absolutely must have someone else proof-read it. Examples: in your title, it should be Fran's not Frans, and the second and third words should be capitalized. You must put a space after commas! Your made that error many, many times. And you omitted at least one necessary period. Overall, your poor grammar made your listing description sound very unprofessional.
In the picture descriptions, it says Air Mattress in the bedroom (this is the king bed?) and Air Mattress in the living room. Do you really mean Air Mattress, like the inflatable kind? I wouldn't pay much money to sleep on an air mattress.
You have a religious symbol on the wall (the cross). I don't know if you just view it as a decoration, but it looks like you are imposing your religious beliefs on your guests, who may not be religious or may be of a different religion from Christianity. I would replace it immediately with a non-religious piece of art--perhaps a framed photo or painting, and then replace those photos on the listing.
I read your reviews. On your replies to Axel and Melo, your replies are defensive and aggressive. If you can, go back and delete them. You must reply more tactfully. When you receive constructive feedback, your response formula should be 1. Apologize. 2. Thank them for their feedback. 3. Describe how you are fixing the issue. The Customer Is Always Right.
Your trailer does look like a nice place to stay--improve your listing write-up, price it competitively, and communicate more diplomatically; and the guests will come.