

I was wondering, when should you charge extra after two guest or after four guests?

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Troy339 

When you charge per guest instead of a flat rate for the unit as a whole, some hosts will say that you should have a way of checking the number of guests. Your listing is an entire unit, it seems hosts in your position tend to use an exterior front door camera when they feel the need to check the number of guests (or they are present at check-in). This means that you may sometimes be put in a situation where you have to decide whether and how to challenge guests who bring more people than they paid for. I've read here that hosts with cameras are sometimes unsure whether the extra people are considered guests or guests' visitors, depending on how long they stayed (so it could get complicated and be disputed). If you charge extra after 2 guests, you may be in this position more often than if you charge extra after 4 guests.

A flat per-unit charge is easier to work with, but it has the disadvantage that smaller groups may find your place too expensive.