Glitch with Scheduled Messages this week??

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Glitch with Scheduled Messages this week??

Hi all, has anyone noticed a glitch this week with your scheduled messages? None of my 2 -  to thank guest for booking & to give check-in details went to guest (the first one should have gone to guest immediately after booking, and the second 2 days before check-in).

I've used these messages before and they used to work like clockwork.

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Heya @Flavia202


I didn't see any other reports of such an issue around ... is it resolved now or are you still running into some problems with scheduled messages? If so please let me know so we can try and get to the bottom of it together!







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Hey @Emilie 

The issue is still happening but I've done a work-around and have been manually sending them to the guest via the airbnb app and (as a backup) via whatsapp instead.

The 3rd scheduled one (reminder to guest re checkout tomorrow) should have gone this morning but didn't.  

Timeline: Guest booked on Jan 9th to Check-in Jan12th. Duration 9 nights  - to Jan 21st Checkout.