Green Hill Apartment, Nepal

Level 2
Raniban, Nepal

Green Hill Apartment, Nepal


Namaste and greetings from Green Hill Apartment, kathmandu!

Green Hill Apartment is just listed at Airbnb so plz give us idea to  promote.We are new so hope to get yours idea and support 

Thanking you 

Sincerely yours 

Biken Bogati 

Green Hill Apartment 


**[Phone number hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

1 Best Answer
Level 10
McHenry, IL

Congratulations on your new venture. 
Word of mouth, social media & joining my local Chamber of Commerece helped me

i suggest to take it slow to adjust.

I just started last Feb. & a lot of odd & different things came up. 

You can use here to Critique my Listing here but I waited with that, instead I had friends look & critiqued my listing & they help with editing & description. Tremendous value to that as well.

The best of Luck. I have not regretted my decision!


View Best Answer in original post

2 Replies 2
Level 10
McHenry, IL

Congratulations on your new venture. 
Word of mouth, social media & joining my local Chamber of Commerece helped me

i suggest to take it slow to adjust.

I just started last Feb. & a lot of odd & different things came up. 

You can use here to Critique my Listing here but I waited with that, instead I had friends look & critiqued my listing & they help with editing & description. Tremendous value to that as well.

The best of Luck. I have not regretted my decision!


Level 1
Kathmandu, Nepal

contact to tranquil home for best ideas