Guests writing negative reviews for absence of amenities clearly not provided in listing.

Guests writing negative reviews for absence of amenities clearly not provided in listing.

Hi. My listing clearly shows no TV or use of kitchen yet I have been marked down in a review because the guest expected these amenities to be provided. She also said it's not suitable for a woman because bathroom is not en suite (again, listing states separate dedicated bathroom and pics clearly demonstrate it's not en suite). I have had loads of female guests who have never mentioned this as an issue or marked me down in reviews.

I doubt there's anything I can do other than defend myself with a public reply which is what I've done. Real bugbear is my overall rating has suffered for things guest would have known about in advance had they properly read the listing's details. I suggested she should have booked an apartment instead and I would have been happier if she had done this instead of marking me down in the way she has. Thanks.

5 Replies 5

@Adam1846. Adam, if you have a rule about no eating or drinking (yet provide a microwave and fridge) in the room but wont allow access to kitchen, is there another area to eat? I think using B&B as a heading is a bit misleading with these rules if its optional and at an additional cost not mentioned in the listing (that I could find).


Re the no TV maybe you need to highlight this (as I have never found a hotel room without one). I have to highlight no dishwasher in an otherwise full kitchen listing because I know certain guests wont read the amenity list. Its about setting expectations.


Your listing description is also pretty light on information so relying on guests reading the House Rules after they have booked may cause more problems in the future.


Just my 2 cents. 🙂

@Frances3408 , there is a large verandah with tables and chairs plus many choose to eat on the pool deck. In Jamaica the climate is conducive to eating al fresco. The guest microwave and fridge is located in a communal area and not in the bedrooms. I see loads of places marketed as B&B's (as distinct from hotels) and it's extremely rare for breakfast to be included within the standard guest rate. 

Both TV & Kitchen are included in the amenities Not Included list, however I note your your remark that guests won't always read this! Thanks for your feedback, much appreciated.

@Adam1846. Adam, thanks for clarifying- the guest didnt state it that clearly. I have found certain guests frequently mixing up/forgetting  the details of listings when they are searching for so many at the same time. Then they try to justify it afterwards.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Adam1846 


I appreciate it's frustrating when guests mark you down for 'missing amenities 'you haven't said you're including .


However I don't think you're doing yourself any favours by the way you describe your listing 


1. You can't describe yourself as a B&B if you don't provide breakfast 


2. why do you provide a fridge and microwave if guests can't eat in their rooms 


3. you need to rewrite your listing description highlighting key benefits and clearly outlining the accommodation guests have access to 


4. think about it from guests point of view how can you create a space where guests can cook/eat as you're in an area with no local eating places 


1. I do provide breakfast but I have to charge for it. I see loads of places marketed as B&B's (as distinct from hotels) and it's extremely rare for breakfast to be included within the standard guest rate. 


2. The guest microwave and fridge is located in a communal area and not in the bedrooms. Eating area is outside which includes a large verandah with tables and chairs and also pool deck and spacious grounds.


3. I will work on this. My listing is for a room in my home which is where I live.


4. Eating spaces covered in 2. above. There are loads of local eating places in the area so not sure why you think there are not.


Thank you for your feedback which is greatly appreciated!