Hi All. I am new in this community, I would like to connect...
Hi All. I am new in this community, I would like to connect with you to see how can I improve in my B&b as hosting. Thank yo...
I am trying to update my Guidebook by deleting a few restaurants that are no longer in business. It seems I can only add locations, but can't delete them. Does anyone know how to remove things from your guidebook?
Hi @Angie579
You can scroll to the specific listing that you want to delete, and you will see an "Edit" option (pencil) in the top right next to its photo. If you click on that there is a delete option at the bottom.
Thank you, I'll try that. ☺️
Unfortunately there is no pencil by the restaurant I wish to delete (What's Cookin).
When I click the pencil on the broader category, deleting a restaurant isn't one of the options.
Hi @Angie579
To delete an entry in the Guidebook, click the photo of the item you want to delete. A new box will appear that allows you to delete that entry:
This is so strange, but there is NO delete option when I click the photo.
Ok- I will. Thank you!
Haven't got a computer/laptop, are old closed down restaurants stuck on my recommendations permanently now?
I have an iPhone and it is showing a "Delete" button.
Tap the photo of the entry you want to delete and a second page should appear. You should see this:
Only this option on android phone
Thanks for your help Joan but even when I tap the pic this is the only page I get with not option you delete. Mustnt be able to delete on an Android phone. What a shame
The only other thing I can think of is to be sure you are running the most current version of the Airbnb App on your android phone?