Have you added quiet hours in your listing description?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Have you added quiet hours in your listing description?

Have you set quiet hours in your listing_.jpg
Hello hosts!
I hope you're all having a fantastic day! I wanted to bring up a topic that can really enhance our guests' experience: quiet hours.
Have you added quiet hours in your listing description?
Setting quiet hours can be a thoughtful way to ensure everyone has a peaceful stay, especially for those who may be looking to unwind or catch some much-needed rest. It's a simple yet effective way to show your guests that you care about their comfort.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences! How have you approached this in your listings?
Looking forward to your insights! 😊



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6 Replies 6
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Yes, I have added quiet hours to my listing.


But of course, adding quiet hours to my listing is the easy part, and actually ENFORCING the quiet hours is the hard part. (Especially  given what we now know about how hard it is to remove a retaliatory review)


For me, my current quiet hours are from 9PM to 7AM, but I don't actually start to enforce it until 11PM or slightly earlier, depending on the situation. 


The way I enforce this is I usually just send them a message via the Airbnb app (for record keeping purposes). 

Hi @Rebecca ,


Perhaps not the spirit of your topic but we have designated 'quiet hours' as part of our community regulations/noise ordinances.  The local noise ordinances are enforceable by local enforcement agency (police, fire, permit authority).


Our community quiet hours are 9pm - 7am. This info is part of our permit and we are obligated to let guests  know about this (and all the other permit restrictions). 


In our case, while we take hosting and hospitality seriously, our first obligation is to be good neighbor and community member.  And adhering to the quiet hours to the best of our ability is important to us. Imagine if you had to put up with a different group of noisy neighbors every weekend! It would drive you nuts.


In reality, we haven't had to enforce the noise issue and our marketing and messaging seem to do the trick in attracting guests who aren't likely to be an issue.



Level 10
Carcassonne, France

Hi @Rebecca,  Hi Friends, 



I have added quiet hours to my listing a few years ago.


We live in a quiet village so i ask my guests to respect this particularity during their stay at home from midnight to 6 am.


They all respect this point, i have no problem with the neighborhood too. 


And you?



Level 2
Toronto, Canada

Yes! My building is very particular about quiet hours. So I definitely added those in. It helps the guest when booking the place. I also have a no-party rule at my location. 


My city has quiet hours from 11pm - 7am so that's the rule for my building as well. If someone doesn't follow this rule,  anyone from the building who finds the guests loud is allowed to call the cops and complain so they will be in trouble themselves. 


I talk to my guests before I accept their request so I try to make sure they have read the rules and are okay to follow them. 

I have received requests close to the new year and specifically to party so I just decline. 

Level 5
Fort Worth, TX

@Rebecca Yes, we add quiet hours to our listings, confirmation letters, digital guidebooks and automated text messages to the guests throughout the stay. One of our listings it is required by the city to have it posted in the house as you walk in. I added it to our messaging so there is no reason for the guest not to know about the houses. 


I enforce it via communication through the app so there is record of it.

Level 3
Fairfax, VA

Hi @Rebecca Yes I have added quiet hours in the description BUT as someone already mentioned here below enforcing it is the difficult part. Specially when I own a beach house and people wants to party. So finding balance to between letting the guest having a good time and letting my caretakers rest so the next day they are rested to get up early and be ready for their duties.

What I've done is to try to attract FAMILIES in the description. By catering to families versus groups of friends then I/my caretakers do not have to deal with the noisy beach goers.