Hi I’m hoping someone can help! I have accidentally deleted ...
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Hi I’m hoping someone can help! I have accidentally deleted the wrong listing. I had a duplicate listing that I went to delet...
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Is there a way to access the resolution center from the app?
Click on the guest page, the reservation detail sections of “ send or request money”.
The resolution centre page will pop up in the Airbnb App.
I’m not seeing the resolution Center. Has the app changed?
Hi. Looks like this is from the host side. I meant from the guest side. I can only see my additional payment in an email.
Thank you for your quick response.
Yeah I'm needing to send money to the host as a guest and I'm not seeing anything at all.
Hi @Jared422,
Sorry to hear you're struggling to find the right place to get this done! I found this Help Centre article which might be helpful: If a Host asks for more money
How to pay: If you agree with the charge, always pay the Host through the Resolution Centre
In case you need more advice, since this is an old post from 2022, I would recommend that you start a new conversation here 👈 so other members can see your question and help you further. 🙂
I hope this helps!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Yeah confirming here there's no such "Resolution Center" page in the guest details from a host's perspective. There used to be a line item in the chat between me (the host) and the guests but that no longer appears. The only way to "know" if there's an open request is to try to duplicate the previous request but even then no actual details of the request or its status appear?? Seems like AirBnb simplified this process so much it no longer exists lol.
The *ONLY* way this is now possible as a host is to go to your message with the guest, click Details, scroll down to Get Help (click on Host tab). Below this you will FINALLY see the open request and you should be able to click "Go to details page". Here you'll see the status of the request along with all the other pertinent details.
Kind of hilarious I have to write a short novel to explain AirBnb's labyrinthine systems 😕