How can I change the number of bathrooms on my listing? Somehow, it appears to have automatically changed. There should be only 2 bathrooms listed, but somehow there's 4 bathrooms.

Level 1
Shoal Bay, Australia

How can I change the number of bathrooms on my listing? Somehow, it appears to have automatically changed. There should be only 2 bathrooms listed, but somehow there's 4 bathrooms.

How can I change the number of bathrooms on my listing? Somehow, it appears to have automatically changed. There should be only 2 bathrooms listed, but somehow there's 4 bathrooms.

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa

Hi @Salt-At-Shoal-Bay0 

Go to the photo tour and arrange the photos into the correct rooms, making sure the folder for each bathroom has the correct photos,. Delete the extra folders. The description changes according to the photo folders.

Hello @Salt-At-Shoal-Bay0


You can manually remove the other bathrooms.  


√ Go to your Listing. 

√ Tap on the Listing Tab

√ Open the Photo Tour

√ Tap on the extra Bathrooms

√ Use the Delete Room or Space button to remove


All the best.  

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Salt-At-Shoal-Bay0 , have you managed to get this sorted by following the steps suggested by @Hazel184 and @Shelley159 ? Keep us posted if you're still looking for support with the question! 🌻



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 1
Shoal Bay, Australia

Thank you @Bhumika @Hazel184 @Shelley159 


I had already tried to remove them via the photo tour but there weren't any bathrooms listed anywhere in the photo tour. Only 4 bedrooms and "additional Photos".


I had to add a bathroom to the photo tour and it automatically updated the listing from 4 bathrooms to 1 bathroom. Then I deleted the bathroom and added 2 more. This updated the listing to read 2 bathrooms. One of my other listing had a similar issue with the number of bedrooms not appearing correctly.


The airbnb support person that helped me fix this over the phone advised that it was an error on airbnb's part as our settings definitely did not list 4 bathrooms. Some sort of glitch in their system. But the guest is now asking for a partial refund for an incorrect listing and airbnb is refusing to cover the cost.


This "photo tour" way of adjusting settings seems very glitchy and I have read reports of other hosts having similar problems, where their listing details change without consent or notification. Hosts should at least be notified via email any time a change is made to their listing description.


Very disappointing!! Considering removing our listing from airbnb anyway as most of our bookings are made on other platforms anyway.