As @Shelley159 mentions, your photos don't show the correct number of beds. Looks like you are showing the sofa bed in Bedroom 1 & Bedroom 2 and you're showing a King bed, sofa bed and 2 single beds in the Living Room?
It looks like you need:
Living room - 1 sofa bed
Bedroom 1 - King Bed
Bedroom 2 - Two single beds
You change the number of beds by selecting "Sleeping Arrangements" on the photos for each room.

Sofa Bed Photos
I always suggest to my Host clients they have a photo of the sofa bed made up ready to be slept in (pull out and have sheets, blankets, pillows on it). Especially if guests will be needing to move furniture to pullout the bed. Might want to be sure you have floor protectors on the feet of the coffee table, as it looks like the guest will have to move the coffee table out of the way to extend the sofa bed. I would also caption the photo as to where the sheets, blankets and pillows for the sofa bed are kept so the guest can find them.