How many times has my listing been viewed or selected as a "favorite"?


How many times has my listing been viewed or selected as a "favorite"?

Does Airbnb have a listing count feature which tracks how many times one's listing has been viewed or marked as a "favorite"?


This would be helpful in determining if your writeup or pricing needs adjustment.


Thanks for your feedback

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Miami, FL

Your dashboard will show how many times it's been viewed (note, the dashboard is not very accurate). When you preview the listing, you'll see how many times it was saved.

View Best Answer in original post

20 Replies 20
Level 2
Falmouth, ME

I can no longer find "saves" either.

Has this feature been removed?

Yes, read the prior messages in the feed for more info and a link to give feedback

Level 1
Daly City, CA

Is there a way to see what days are being viewed and how many times? I know they show past 30 days but if it was specific that would be very beneficial. 

Level 1
Boston, MA

This was one of the most useful features in the entire platform. Why remove this feature? It clearly helps see trends and allows probing results of different marketing options.  It's definitely a disappointment...

Level 1
Barcelona, Spain

I have a related question -- how are the page views counted? I can't seem to find the answer to this question anywhere. Are my views of the site as a host while I am updating it and previewing it included in the total page view count, or do they only count visitors and not the host?

Level 2
Spring Hill, TN

Don't know if this has been answered or not. But all you have to so is go into hosting dashboard. And under Menu, go to Insights. Then Conversions, and then views or Wishlist additions. 


-Menu: Insights

- Conversions: Views or Wishlist additions. 


the Insights will tell you everything you need that we had before. Hope this helps.