How to Edit Listing


How to Edit Listing

Hi there,

I am new to Air B&B. Judy listed my property however need to make some changes and am unable to edit.

Any advice would be much appreciated.



1 Best Answer

Hi Bhumika

Thank you so much for getting in touch and for sending across the link. All sorted now.

Thanks again 



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7 Replies 7
Level 5
Alpharetta, GA

Welcome aboard @Fiona828 ,

absolutely. At any time you can update or edit your profile, your listing, whatever it is simply click on the edit button and you can change whatever you want at any time.


Happy hosting.

Level 1
Delhi, India

Once u go in the calendar so you can change the prices according to the dates of your property @Fiona828 

Level 9
New Delhi, India

@Fiona828 The Airbnb interface is very easy to handle, you just have to get used to it. Go to your listing, where it shows EDIT, go ahead and make the changes and save them.



Thanks so much Sangeeta!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Fiona828 ,


How is it going on with your new listing? I hope other members suggestions have helped you.

I also wanted to share this link if you needed further help with editing your listing.


I hope it helps!



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Hi Bhumika

Thank you so much for getting in touch and for sending across the link. All sorted now.

Thanks again 



I have the same question.  I can't find the "edit" button anywhere.   Can someone tell me where it is.  I have logged in as a host and am looking at "Your listings".  When I click on the listing in question there is no edit button I can find anywhere.