How to apply registration number in Strasbourg?

Level 1
Strasbourg, France

How to apply registration number in Strasbourg?

Can anyone tell me how to apply the registration number for a studio in Strasbourg ? Thank you 

4 Replies 4
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Mei-I0 ! For questions concerning local matters you could try joining one of the Host Clubs and asking your question there. The Host Clubs are full of local Hosts who might just know the answer! You can find the Host Clubs on the map here:



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Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would presume you contact in the first instance your local government @Mei-I0 

Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Mei-I0 


Here is a link that will explain the registration process for Strasbourg:


If you have further questions, I would suggest going on the French community centre as this question has come up a few times and you will also find some great tutorials (in French!) that explain the ins and outs of other legal requirements for renting on a short term basis.


all the best



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Good shout @Joelle43 , thanks! @Mei-I0 You can find the French Community Center using the globe icon in the top right corner of this web page.🙂



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