Please advice what might be an issue of failure to get guest...
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Please advice what might be an issue of failure to get guest?
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I have had this really strange issue, and I think a few others here have had it too!
For the past 11 days I have not been able to log onto the community centre.
I was kept up to date.....each morning I was able to see all the latest posts but.....I could not respond! Each time I tried to 'sign in' I would be directed to a general search page!.....Boy I have to tell you I have been invited to search listings in just about every corner of the earth!
I noticed in one post that I was not the only one this was happening to, but everyone else seemed to have their log-on issue rectified fairly quickly.....but each time I have tried to log-in over that past 11 days, I have been re-directed to a search page
It seemed to stem from yet another useless system upgrade!
I have to say this platform is simply outrageous for un-required upgrades. The best way I can describe it is ......You have a favourite restaurant, the food is great, you get looked after well, but every time you go there, the toilets have been moved to another location with no indication of where that location might be!!!!!
I haven't wet my pants yet, but the frustration I have had over the past 11 days has been palpable.....just the fact that I could not answer anything!
I firstly asked a couple of CC regulars who I have personal emails with to get onto @Lizzie , @Quincy , or @Stephanie to see if they could fix my issue but that met with failure, so I got onto CX and asked if they could resolve this issue.
Look, to put it in perspective, it's not life threatening, I have a few sites that I contribute too, and it was not going to be the end of the world as I know it if CC access was cut off.....but I wanted to know why!
Jona from CX said she would take care of it, and then promptly sent me a message saying that she was going to have a few days off.....great!
Tonight I hope I have bypassed this last system upgrade and managed to get myself back on the Community Centre again. Why should I have to do this, I haven't done anything wrong!
Seriously, life was not meant to be this difficult, why do our Tech development team go out of their way to make our lives this difficult?
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@Robin4 It's not just the CC we can't log into, many hosts can't even log in to their hosting accounts, as @Susan151 relates.
We all need to make a note of our upcoming guests' phone numbers and the coded email address Airbnb assigns them, in case we can't access the hosting pages. And what if we can't log in to answer a request or an inquiry? Will we get dinged on response time if 25 hours go by where we can't access the site to respond to the guest? (not to mention losing money for missed booking requests).
And while this glitch continues, they are proudly bragging of the "Fresh New Look" they have created for our listings. I suggest the tech team fix all their glitches rather than fiddle around with things no one cares about.
@Robin4 @Sarah977 @Susan151 @Helen350 @Pat271 @Helen427 haha, yep, falling ice cream girl was my chat friend for six days. Then Airbnb called me to ask if my technical issue is resolved and I said it works again. Thank Goodness because I missed you guys. The support lady explained that it was an upgrade that they did that caused some confusion.
I had a bit of an inconvenience with my last guest last Saturday. My first (and hopefully the last) unpleasant experience with a guest. He must’ve misunderstood the purpose of why I like to host people. I was so worried with what just happened at my home, that I thought that I can’t log in because of the incident. As I tried logging into our CC I was able to read that many people are having the same login issue.
Anyway, our CC is back and I am looking forward to more great fun stories from you guys. It works as great support to me and I get fantastic advice.
@Giuliana142 "Upgrade?" "Some confusion"? Pardon me while I snort in disgust.
I'd say "Downgrade" and hosts around the world not being able to log into their accounts has nothing to do with confusion. It is utter incompetency.
@Sarah977 @Giuliana142 @Helen350 @Stephanie @Ute42 @Helen427 @Cathie19
What I am getting a little confused over, why is this problem affecting different users in different ways?
Some are seeing the 404 ice cream girl, some are seeing the general 500 error code, some like myself are seeing no error codes, we are just being redirected to another page!
HTTP status 404-Page not found , (the ice-cream girl).
This error message is shown when a site or folder on a server are requested but cannot be found at the given URL. Please check your input.
Please note that this error can also appear if there is no start file (index.php or index.html)
In other words the page has been permanently removed as account closed!
HTTP status 500-Internal server error.
This is a "catch all" status for unexpected errors. It is a server side error message, common causes of this are eg. misconfigured .htaccess files or PHP errors, which you can check in the File php_error.log on your Webhost.
This is what we should expect to see if the tech team are fiddling around with the program.
The only part of my account that has been affected is the CC, (as far as I know). All other parts of my account seem to be running ok, although I did have a few hours where the phone app wasn't updating!
But other users here are experiencing different symptoms to mine and from each other. Some are experiencing short term loss of connection, some (like myself) were locked out for 11 days.
We either have access to our accounts or we don't, why is it striking at us in different ways
Perhaps @Pat271 or another computer aficionado here on the CC can tell me why this is so.
@Robin4 It is a right mess, isn't it? When I first experienced the glitch (or maybe one of many) I just got "Please choose a valid log-in method", that went on for awhile every time I tried, then the next two times it happened, I got the 500 error. And back a couple weeks ago, when people started not being able to log in to the CC, I could still log in just fine.
Remember earlier this year when all our hosting stats went crazy? Hosts' accounts were showing things like 2400% response rates and such. But it didn't seem to be consistent- some accounts were affected, some not, some were inflated by 200%, some by 500%.
Being far from a techie myself, I wouldn't have a clue what might be going on.
@Robin4 Now I'm confused! I thought I got the ice cream girl with the error 500! (Did I ???)
- I too was locked out of the CC for probably around 11 days, didn't count! The temporary lack of access to my account was last night, but OK now.
Hi again Helen,
No they are 2 specific faults!
The 404 message means 'no such page exists' has been removed, deleted and is not currently in use by/on the server. This is why you see her lose her ice-cream!
The 500 message means the page is temporarily unavailable....someone is making alterations to it. That's the fault I am cross with the tech team about. If you know and upgrade is creating an issue, and these people knew for almost 2 weeks, go back to the previous program until you track down what the issue is, don't stuff around a million people around the world while you try and work it out.
Sometimes program alterations are necessary, although frankly, of the many hundreds over the past couple of years, I can't say I have seen one here on Airbnb which I think was, it's tinkering.....the 'pea in the thimble' trick!
But, if changes are required, test it in house before uploading it to the public.
The way they are going about this is ...
D/......and downright, incompetent!
Although maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel! My access has remained unaffected for almost 24 hours now. I have fingers crossed!
Perhaps they sell more ice-creams in Mexico Sarah ;-))
Next time you see that, can you please take a screenshot of it, I would like to see that.
Over the years here, you Sarah, and I have seen many profiles that have been removed, the users account has been closed and when you try to access that users Airbnb URL you get the Oops message with the 404 status code with the ice-cream girl!
I will search for one, take a shot and post.
The 500 status code means the page is till there, the URL is still currently up and in use, it has just been withdrawn from current access for maintenance or 'improvement'!
The ice-cream girl saves her ice-cream before it hits the ground!
@Robin4 I'll definitely make a note of it if the ice cream girl pops up again, but I surely hope she's gone into hibernation for the foreseeable future.
@Robin4 I read once that the countries with the highest consumption of ice cream are Sweden and Canada. You'd think it would be hot countries, right? Go figure.
OK, you girls are right I have not seen it before but, it appears there is the same ice-cream girl for each fault. The only one I have seen before is the missing URL one which is the 404!.......
This is the one we will generally see if there is a problem with a URL.
But there is also one for the 500 fault.......
There is also one for a 503 fault......
It looks like Airbnb are on an economy drive and using the same graphic for multiple faults.
Sorry girls, my fault, I should have investigated a bit further before making a categorical statement! I am turning out be as bad as CX with my advice!
I concede you certainly may have got a 500 ice-cream girl!
@Robin4 Hey, not your fault they change things before you can blink. Ice cream girl 500 error and 503 error are clones, now outsourced to the Phillipines.
@Robin4 How can you summon these error pages at will? I only get them when something's not available! I certainly could not conjure them up to screen shot.... Tho' I don't know how to screen shot either.... (Rhetorical question, no need to answer! I probably wouldn't understand anyway!)