I'm a new host

Level 2
Plantation, FL

I'm a new host

Hello all,


My husband and I bought this amazing house for rent in the Orlando, FL area on January 17th, 2020. We clean the place, we furnished and we transformed it for a home.

At the moment, always our idea is to think about the retirement back up plan, so we decided to buy this house and renting with Airbnb as an investment.

One week before Coronavirus, we started listening only with Airbnb. On the first day, we received several questions... it was an amazing experience. We are so nervous, also we made several mistakes in the publication, but I think is almost normal at the beginning.

We are glad we have the opportunity to have one guest. It was a nice family from the North of Florida. We are thankful to them, they take care of our home, and also we try to do our best to give them an amazing stay.

So, I'm hopeful now. The world is changing, and this is part of us now, evolution and change. I hope we can continue paying this extra mortgage and expenses. Also thank you for the people working with us, the cleaning crew, the painters, my husband, and my family for their support. Well now we are crossing fingers, this pandemic over soon, and life continues and tourism has life again.

Thanks for the CEO's words. I'm feeling welcome now for this business. Looking forward to continuing to travel.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Welcome to the hosting community. So sorry you joined us at such a difficult time. I truly hope things will pick up for you and that your Airbnb will thrive in the future. Wishing you the best of luck.


Also, although the discussion is currently mostly focused on COVID-19, this community forum is a great place to come for advice from experienced hosts. Of course, it is normal you would make mistakes in the beginning. It can be confusing, especially as a lot of important information is not in an obvious place when you first list.


If you have any questions about hosting, please just ask. There are many people here who are happy to help.