I was asked to pay 1561 euros for a scratch in the countertop that I did not make

I was asked to pay 1561 euros for a scratch in the countertop that I did not make

On the 8th of July we rented an apartment in Domaine D'Arca in Corsica by a host named Sandrine. 

Two weeks after our check out with not any message or evidece whatsoever I was served with an reimbursement for damage of the value 1561 euros.


The message was in French. However, I saw the photos and the bill she wa requesting.


I found  her behavior really unfair and offensive for several reasons: 


First of all, we did not make the scratches on the countertop. They may be from another guest after us, but we have not made them! I can assure you about that! The host's assistant came when we handed the keys and he checked everything and he said everything was ok. He checked everything for almost 20 minutes and specifically checked the countertop. He said everything was ok.


I have been really trasparent on everything on the house, like when the spot fell off during the night. I even notified the host about breaking a wine glass. 

If we had made the scratches, I would have told him and you about that, but we did not make the scratches. It is unfair and a violation of customer rights to charge us with something that was checked as completely in order at our departure by the host's staff.


The host is sending us the bill for a new countertop for two scratches you accuse us of making them? Two weeks after we have left? How do you know that the other clients that came the same day after we left have not make them? After the assistant said everything was ok in the apartment how can they still accuse us? 


As indicated, I have used the wood cutboards and not in a single meal we have not eaten inside. We have always eaten outside. We could not have made them as we have only eaten outside. 


Secondly, we don't consider it fair and normal to send a cleaning bill when we have left an unopened can of beer or 2 bottles of water in the fridge. Instead of throwing them in the trash, we thought it would be nice if someone else could make good use of them. We left them as an act of kindness to the other guests coming. we could not imagine we would be charged for that.


Again the assistant checked the fridge. Why did he not inform us that for leaving two things in the fridge we would be charged with a bill? If he had said that we would take them off. 


Also, we put some ants white powder in the doors because there were so many ants in your apartment. 


Before leaving, we cleaned up everything, and the apartment was on the same conditions as when we arrived. We did not complain about that, but the ants in your apartment were really annoying. So were the mosquitos. My children have been biten by mosquitos many time and my older boy is allergic to them so I had to go to pharmacy and buy a special cream with cortison agains alergy for him. Should I (ironically) have sent a bill to the host for this?


The apartment should have had nets in the windows, so they didn't enter inside. We did not complain about that either...but instead the host is serving us a bill for killing a mosquito in the wall? In what world does this happen? 


We have rented many times apartments, and this is the first time the owner is sending us a bill. And bill has no ground at all.


I am offended and surprised by this request. 


We paid 370 euros per night for your apartment and cleaned everything perfectly after we left. 

We never made complaints about missing hand soap in the bathroom (we could not even wash our hands when we arrived) or missing pool towels, or ants, mosquitoes, and other insects.


 We looked after the apartment as it was of our own, but instead, at the end, we are served with a damages bill. 


We find this really unfair and bad customer service and treatment.


This is a tentative to steal a customer!



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Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Nada226, I am sorry to hear about this situation.
The Community Team is dedicated to supporting Hosts in a capacity different from customer support. For your particular case, the best course of action is to contact the support team directly for assistance. Here is the link where you can reach them.
Best regards,



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