Boca Raton has codes in place for single family home can't have multiple families or short term rental. Originally the code was meant to prevent college students from renting single family homes. And rolled over to include short term rental. It is not a law it is a code unlike the motel law so perfectly legal code. Boca doesn't not chase down violators it done by reported complaints that why u still see places listed. But if code enforcement or officers have to come out for a disturbance they have the right to ask renters to leave the property immediately and fine for owner will start at $1000 a day. These changes are a result from a disturbance call the police responded to and at the time couldn't remover the renter for the disturbance which resulted in the dead of one if the renters. Under the Florida "Stand your ground" law if someone feels threatened for their life they have the right to defend themselves and stand their ground which will result in no charges for the shooter. This is a law in all of Florida so when airbnb in Florida take into consideration someone could died in result of renting your home and accommodation to airbnb rules for renting their clients are required to follow state and city laws and codes leaving them not responsible. Leaving the owner responsible for possible lawsuits like wrongful death so choose wisely how u invest and make your money could cost more than u will ever make off the property over the years not many people insurance have enough coverage for a wrongful death lawsuit leaving u to pay what ever insurance doesn't pay