Is Multi-Level Calendar Synchronization Possible?

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Is Multi-Level Calendar Synchronization Possible?

Hello hosts with multiple listings on the same property,


Do you know if it is possible to set up a multi-level calendar connection?


Let's say I have three rooms, with one listing for each room.

Additionally, I've created a second-level listing that combines rooms 1 and 2. Using the connected calendar feature, a reservation for the listing 1+2 will block the availability of rooms 1 and 2 individually.


Now, I would like to create a third-level listing that includes rooms 1, 2, and 3. To do this, I need to connect the calendars of all three individual rooms (1, 2, and 3) as well as the 1+2 listing. Unfortunately, Airbnb doesn't seem to support this third-level connection.


I haven't even mentioned what happens when there are more than three units, where even third-level connections might not be sufficient.


Meanwhile, as a workaround, I connected unit 1 to the third-level listing (1+2+3). This prevents some false reservations (if unit 1 is unavailable, the combined listing 1+2+3 can't be booked). However, this solution isn't perfect. Once I receive a reservation for the combined listing, I still need to manually block units 2 and 3.


Any creative solutions would be greatly appreciated.





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